Purvottanasana (पूर्वोत्तानासन/pūrvottānāsana) is an asana which engages the body in an upward and a backward stretch. It offers a nice stretch for the wrists, arms and shoulders, lower back, core, hamstring, and ankles. It is usually practiced as a counter-stretch for the pashchimottanasana, the seated forward bending stretch. In English, it is commonly known as the Upward Plank or the Inverted Plank pose.
In Sanskrit, the word ‘purva’ means both the direction East as well as the front side of the body. The word ‘uttana (uttāna)’ is a combination of ‘tāna’ with the prefix ‘ut’ and means ‘deep stretch’. Thus, Purvottanasana literally means ‘deep stretch of the front side of the body’. This is the counter stretch for the pashchimottanasana which literally means ‘deep stretch of the back side of the body’. The word ‘pashchim’ means both the direction West as well as the back side of the body.
To register: Fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields, and submit it online
Program outline: A brief outline of what is planned for the course is given in this document (pdf) on my dropbox folder. I would welcome any comments or feedback on this propposed outline.
A firm commitment to complete the program without missing a day
At the end of the program, continue the same practice at home for another 21 days to make it a life-long habit
A regular practice of meditation is known to give you all the above and many more benefits.
I invite you to join me for this FREE Meditation session. In this class, I will be presenting the basic concepts of meditation and practice a guided meditation technique.
Flyer: You can download the flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists.
No prior asana, pranayama or meditation experience is required.
Program Information
What: FREE evening yoga session on Meditation
When: Sunday, February 23, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM (US East Coast time, EST)
Participation: In-person or via zoom
In-person at my home yoga studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
Remotely via zoom – zoom login info will be provided upon receipt of registration
I am pleased to announce a short 3-session workshop wherein you will be introduced to the basics of the ancient Sanskrit language. The program is specifically tailored for its use in yoga practice. As you may be aware, all ancient texts related to the field of yoga – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Samkhya system of philosophy, the Bhagavad Gita and many others – were all written in Sanskrit. A basic knowledge of Sanskrit can help us understand these texts at a deeper level and enrich our life in general and yoga experience in particular.
Flyer: You can download the flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists.
What: Basic intro to Sanskrit, three sessions
When: On Sundays – March 2, 9, and 16
Time: 11 AM – 12 PM
Access: Remotely via Zoom; login info will be provided upon receipt of registration
To register: please fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields
Asanas that involve a spinal twist are known to offer many benefits. The most commonly listed benefits include improved blood circulation in the body, enhanced mobility and range of motion of the spine, managing discomfort or pain in the lower back, detoxification and cleansing of the organs. One of the most commonly practiced asanas in this category is the Ardha-matsyendrasana. In this article, I will be discussing the twisting asana called the Bharadwajasana (bhāradvājāsana – भारद्वाजासन).
This asana is named after one of the well-known ancient rishis (sages). Rishi Bharadwaj was one in the group of seven rishis known as sapta-rishi. He was the father of the famed Dronacharya, the teacher for both Pandavas and Kauravas in the epic story of Mahabharata.
Have you ever wondered why we behave in a certain predetermined way in a given situation? For example if someone cuts you across while driving, you may end up shouting and cursing at the other person. Or, if someone screams at you using harsh words, you are likely to shout back with even harsher and unpleasant words. These so-called “knee-jerk” reactions are a result of deep-seated impressions that have been left in the deep subconscious levels of the mind not only during this life but over multiple lifetimes. These deep-seated impressions in the mind are called samskaras.
The Sanskrit word ‘saṁskāra’ (संस्कार) is a composite of two words – sam and kāra. The word kāra is derived from the root kṛ (कृ) which means “to do”. The literal meaning of the word samskara is purification, refinement etc.
In the words of Swami Satchidananda, the practice of yoga can help you achieve:
a body of optimum health and strength
senses under control
a mind well disciplined, clear and calm
an intellect as sharp as a razor
a strong will
a heart full of unconditional love and compassion
an ego as pure as a crystal
and a life filled with supreme peace and joy
To register, please fill out the registration form and submit it online.
After enjoying the FREE class, I invite you to continue your yoga practice by attending the ongoing classes that I offer as given in the schedule on my website here.
Do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions.
I look forward to your enthusiastic participation.
Karma (actions), karma-phala (fruits of actions), and saṃsāra (cycles of birth-death-reincarnation) are fundamental tenets of Indian philosophical thought and offer deep insights into the moral, ethical, and spiritual foundation of human existence.
In common parlance, we hear statements like, “what goes around comes around” or “as you sow, so shall you reap”. These may be thought of as simplified versions of the theory of karma.
The Sanskrit word “karma” is derived from the root word “kṛ” (कृ) and literally means “action” or “deed”. The theory of karma represents the principle of cause and effect. Stated simplistically, the theory of karma can be summed up as “good karma leads to good results whereas bad karma leads to bad results”. The fruit or result of the action, called karma phala, may be experienced in this life period or in a future birth. In a broad sense, the word karma is used to imply both the action and the fruit of action.
I am pleased to announce a 14-day Beginner Level yoga program. If you are a yoga newbie, this program will introduce you to the basics of asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. If you already have yoga experience, this program will help you enrich your yoga experience and also motivate you to re-establish your personal ongoing practice. Over the course of the program, I will offer guidance on how to build your practice at home so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your practice.
Flyer: You can download the flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists.
You can join the program online via zoom or in-person at my home studio.
Program Information
What: 14-day Beginner Level yoga program
When: Sunday, Oct 20 – Saturday, Nov 2, 2024
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM (US East Coast time, EST)
In-person: At my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
Zoom access: The link to access via zoom will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment.
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