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21-day Yoga Immersion, June 10-30, 2024

Tip-toe balance

21 days to Transformation

I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Yoga Immersion program. The past programs have been very well received by all the participants. For most of them, it has been truly a life-transforming experience. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding 21-day yoga journey.

No prior asana, pranayama or meditation experience is required.

You can participate in the program online via zoom or in-person at my home studio.

Flyer: You can download the 21-day Yoga Immersion flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists. 

  • What: 21-day yoga immersion
  • When: Monday, June 10 – Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM (US East Coast time, EST)
  • In-person participation: at my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Zoom Access:  Login info will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment 
  • Instructor: Subhash Mittal
  • Fee:
  • To register: Fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields, and submit it online
  • A brief outline of what is planned for the course is given in this document (pdf) on my dropbox folder. I would welcome any comments or feedback on this propposed outline.
  • Commitment:
    • A firm commitment to complete the program without missing a day
    • At the end of the program, continue the same practice at home for another 21 days to make it a life-long habit

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Get all the details here…

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Here is what the previous participants have to say…

“My experience of this yoga immersion program was very enriching on so many levels.  From a physical perspective, I regained much loss of flexibility which naturally occurred after several years away from the practice.  On personal and spiritual levels, the immersion opened the door to renewed discipline and brought meditation back into my daily routine.  I deeply appreciated Subhash’s brief but very clear explanations of several verses of the Gita and of the Yoga Sutras …”
– Denise Bernier

“… Great experience overall. This is my first time learning yoga and that too doing it for 21 days in a row. These 21 days have been more energetic, happy, calm and my focus has been improved in everything I do regularly. I am becoming more flexible and balanced by each passing day….”

– Sphurthy Gangapuram

Read all the comments here…

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