Newsletter August, 2010
Pranayama – Deep Sectional Breathing
In the recently completed 10-day yoga intensive, the major focus was on pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. In the program, we covered several different pranayama techniques. One of the main objectives of these intensive programs is to encourage the participants to develop a regular home practice of their own after the course is over. Most of the students have asked me if I could provide instructions for these techniques which they can use as reference material for their home practice. In this post and several subsequent ones, I will be providing details on the techniques that we covered during the course.
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Poses (Asana) for Meditation
The Sanskrit word "asanam – आसनम्" is derived from the root word "aas – आस्" which means to sit or rest in one place. In the classical yoga texts (Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, for example), there several asanas described. Some of the more commonly practiced asanas are – sukhasana, padmasana, swastikasana, siddhasana, vajrasana, virasana, bhadrasana etc. The word asana is not just the sitting posture, but is also applied to the seat on which one sits. So, if you are sitting on a yoga mat for meditation, then the mat is also called an asana. Likewise, a stool, chair, bench etc where one sits becomes an asana.
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10-day Intensive on Pranayama/Meditation
The 10-day intensive on pranayama and meditation concluded successfully on Saturday, July 31. The program was very well received by all the 17 participants. It is truly heartening to see the commitment of the students who willingly sacrificed their early morning sleep in order to get to the class by 6 AM. Most participants echoed the same feeling that getting to the class by 6 AM was their biggest challenge as well as their most satisfying achievement for the course.
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Yoga in the News
Please visit these sites to see some of the recent news items related to yoga:
Why yoga could be the key to cancer recovery
Have a question?
If you have a yoga-related question, please write to me and I would do my best to provide an answer in a timely manner.
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