Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
I invite you to join us for this memorable yoga event where we will practice 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). Surya Namaskar, practiced to the accompaniment of beautifully chanted mantras, will not only invigorate and energize you but also lead you into a state of deep meditation.
- Event: Surya Namaskar Yogathon (108 rounds of Sun Salutations)
- Location: Hindu Temple (HSNC), main Cultural Hall, 309 Aviation Parkway, Morrisville, NC 27560; temple phone: (919) 481-2574
- When: Saturday, March 10, 2018
- Time: 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM (on-site registration starts at 6:30 AM)
- Program Fee (donation to the temple – includes veggie lunch): $20 with pre-registration or $25 on the day of the event; In addition, please try to find sponsors who might be willing to pledge money per round that you complete.
- Program: Om chanting, invocation prayer, a brief discussion of the mantras associated with SN (a chart of SN is available on my website here), practice 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar accompanied by the chanting of beautifully rendered Surya Namaskar mantras, yoga nidra (deep relaxation), brief session of pranayama to balance out the flow of prana, closing chants.
- Lunch: Vegetarian lunch will follow the event
- Light snacks, tea/coffee will be available in the hallway during the event.
- To register: please fill out the registration form on the HSNC website and submit it online. You can make the payment on the same page.
See the flyer for details. Please share the flyer with your own distribution list.
We will take short breaks after every 12 rounds. Everyone is strongly advised to practice only as many rounds as they are comfortable with. Feel free to take breaks on your own even during each round and rejoin the session at any time.
The practice of 108 SNs is an ancient Hindu tradition and is traditionally done to honor the change in seasons. Typically, it is done during the summer and winter solstice time (longest and shortest days of the year). In addition to its spiritual and cultural value, the practice is highly beneficial from a health and well-being point of view as it makes the body highly flexible, supple, strong and also helps remove toxins from the system.
I look forward to your enthusiastic participation. Please share this information with your own distribution lists. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Hi,I am writing a paper about the history of 108SN. I am wondering just how ancient is 108rounds of SN? Do you know precisely where this is first mentioned, ie which sanskrit text on yoga? Thanks.
I am sorry, I don’t have information on the history of 108 SN.