The core involves the structures that make up the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC) including lumbar spine, pelvic girdle, abdomen, and hip joint. Essentially, the core is the midsection and it involves all the muscles in that area including the front, back and sides. A strong an stable core can help prevent back pain and improve posture. It also helps in practicing many of the yoga asanas.
In today’s post, we will practice the bicycle moves from the reclining position to help strengthen and stabilize the core muscles. I hope you will enjoy practicing with the video.
Pawana-muktasana (Wind-releasing movements)
Before we get into the bicycle moves, we will do a few rounds of the Pawana-muktasana (wind-releasing pose) as a gentle warm-up routine.

Wind-releasing pose
- Lie down on your back and relax for a few moments.
- Bring the feet together. Bend the right knee and hold the right shin with the two hands. While inhaling, guide the knee to the chest.
- While exhaling, lift the head up, lower the chin down to the chest and gently guide the knee to the forehead. Pause briefly.
- As you inhale, slowly release the head down to the floor. Again, as you exhale, lift the head up, lower the chin down and guide the knee to the forehead. While inhaling, release the head down, release the leg to the floor and relax for a few moments.
- Let’s switch now to the other leg. Bend the left knee, hold the shin with the two hands. As you inhale guide the knee to the chest.
- While exhaling, lift the head up, lower the chin down to the chest and gently guide the knee to the forehead. Pause briefly.
- As you inhale, slowly release the head down to the floor. Pause. Again, as you exhale, lift the head up, lower the chin down and guide the knee to the forehead. While inhaling, release the head down, release the leg to the floor and relax for a few moments.
- Now we’ll work with both the legs together. Bend both the knees and wrap the arms around the knees. As you inhale guide the knees to the chest.
- While exhaling, lift the head up, lower the chin down to the chest and gently guide the knees to the forehead. Pause briefly.
- As you inhale, slowly release the head down to the floor. Pause.
- Again, as you exhale, lift the head up, lower the chin down to the chest and guide the knees to the forehead. While inhaling, release the head down, release the legs to the floor and relax in Shavasana for a few moments.
Reclining bicycle moves
Now, we’ll begin the bicycle movements.
- Bring the feet together and bend both the knees. Begin by stretching the right leg up to a full vertical position, toes pointing down. Gradually begin to release the right leg down toward the floor. When the heel touches the floor lightly, begin to raise the left leg up to a vertical position while folding the right knee to the chest.
- Continue this movement in a bicycle fashion. The key guideline is to keep the leg as straight as comfortable when you bring it down from the vertical to the horizontal position. When the heel touches the floor, that’ when you bend the knee and bring the knee close to the chest while the other leg is moving.
- The movement should be smooth and continuous. Continue the bicycle moves for about ten rounds, if comfortable. Bring both the knees to the chest and relax for a breath or two.
- Now, we’ll reverse the direction of movement of legs. Start by stretching the right leg out on the floor, horizontal with the heel touching the floor and the leg straight. Now, begin to raise the right leg up to a vertical position. As soon as the leg reaches a vertical position, begin to stretch the left leg straight out horizontal.
- Continue these movements in a bicycle move. Remember, the key guideline is to keep the leg as straight as comfortable while bringing it from the horizontal to the vertical position. When it reaches the vertical position, then bend the knee down to the chest.
- Continue these movements for about ten rounds or whatever feels comfortable for you. When you are done, bring both the knees to the chest and rest for a few moments with the arms wrapped around the knees.
- Now we will continue these bicycle moves, this time moving both the legs together. Release the arms down to the floor. Begin by raising both the legs together to a vertical position. Keep the legs straight with the toes pointing down. Slowly, begin to release the legs down to the floor, keeping the legs straight. When the heels touch the floor, begin to bend the knees and bring them back to the chest. Continue by stretching the legs up to a vertical position and again bring them down to the horizontal position without bending the knees.
- Continue these movements in a smooth and continuous manner for about ten rounds, if comfortable. Finally, bring the knees to the chest, arms wrapped around the knees and relax for a few moments.
- Now, we will reverse the direction of rotation of the legs. Release the arms down to the floor and begin by stretching the legs horizontal on the floor, legs straight. Now begin to lift the legs up to a vertical position without bending the knees. Once the legs reach the vertical position, bend the knees to the chest and again stretch the legs to the horizontal position.
- Continue these movements in a smooth and continuous manner for a total of ten rounds, if comfortable. Feel free to stop at any time if you begin to feel uncomfortable. Again, the key guideline is to keep the legs straight while moving from the horizontal to the vertical position.
- When you are done with the movements, bend the knees against the chest, wrap the arms around the knees and hug the knees to the chest and stay for a few breaths.
- Finally, rest in the Shavasana for a few more moments.
Is core strengthening part of your yoga routine? I would love to hear about your practice and your experience.
Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL photos, Frances 🙂