The name Mayurasana – मयूरासन – is a composite of two words – mayura (peacock) and asana (pose). The word peacock instantly brings to mind the image of this beautiful bird, dancing with the tail fanned out displaying the most gorgeous colors and designs. Description of a dancing peacock, with its spread out […]
Most of the classes that I teach last 1.5 hours. In almost every class I lay emphasis on the need for establishing a home-based yoga practice which can be done on a daily basis. Those students who feel committed to practice at home are usually faced with the following predicament:
It is not […]
As those of you who have been attending my yoga classes know that I have been battling shoulder pain for quite some time now. Actually, the pain in my right shoulder started almost two and a half years ago (more about it later on in this post). However, a recent MRI of my […]
Most of us go through experiences periodically when we have trouble falling asleep when we go to bed. There are other times when you happen to wake up in the middle of the night, either due to a dream, some noise, or just because you have to go to the toilet, and then […]
The basic Setu-bandhasana -सेतुबन्धासन – (Bridge Pose) is a beginner-level pose and is highly beneficial for the health of the shoulders, spine, hips and thighs. At a deeper level, it helps calm the mind and can help relieve stress, mental fatigue, anxiety and depression.
Step-by-step […]
Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolving Triangle Pose) – परिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन – is an intermediate level pose which can be considered a standing twist and provides a great stretch for the hips, the hamstrings, spine, shoulders and the legs. It also provides some challenge in maintaining balance while in the pose.
When you see a picture […]
Lower back pain is perhaps the single most commonly mentioned reasons why people join yoga classes. There are several yoga poses that are recommended for taking care of lower back pain – for example, Marjarasana (cat & cow), Pawanamuktasana (wind-relieving pose), Balasana (child pose), all twisting poses etc. One of the poses that […]
I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Yoga Challenge program. The past programs have been very well received by all the participants. For most of them, it has been truly a life-transforming experience. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding 21-day yoga journey. Here are the particulars:
Utthita Parshvakonasana – उत्थित-पार्श्वकोणासन- is an intermediate level pose and can be considered an extension of the Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2) pose. It is a composite of four Sanskrit words as follows:
utthita = lifted and extended
Parshva = side, flank
Kona = angle
Asana = pose
It is an excellent pose for […]
In the previous post, I described a few stretches to help release tension from the neck muscles. As we know, the neck and shoulders are closely tied together through the nervous system as nerves from the neck pass through the shoulders and down the arms. As such, stretches for the neck and shoulders are […]
Video DVD
Yoga with Subhash (asana and pranayama)
- Basic asana sequence (~50 min) ($18)
- Pranayama/Meditation (~35 min) ($12)
- Set of above two ($25)
Video recording of special programs offered in the past
(Links to YouTube videos will be provided)
- 21-day yoga immersion - $40
- 7-day hip opening intensive - $20
- 14-day meditation intensive - $30
- 14-day pranayama intensive - $30
- 7-day hamstring/quad intensive - $20
- 14-day Level 2 yoga intensive - $35
Payment options:
- cash, check, Zelle (use subhashmittal@gmail.com) or Venmo (use 9199269717)
- PayPal (go to bottom of page) (add $5 to the fee listed above)
Please contact me if you would like to buy.
Recent Posts
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
Recent Posts
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
FREE class – focus on Pranayama, Sunday, Jan 12
Samskaras: deep subconscious level imprints that shape our lives
Free yoga session, focus on Pranayama and Meditation
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