Almost everyone experiences situations which cause anger. Anger is usually accompanied by fear, frustration, powerlessness etc. On the one hand, it can lead to uncontrolled, violet behavior. On the other, we can temporarily suppress it but deep down it can keep simmering, ready to explode given a suitable trigger. A few common […]
Samkhya karika study group starting Nov 27, 2010 […]
The word Vairagya is derived from the word ‘raga’ (likes, attraction, attachment), the attraction which arises due to pleasure derived from any object. Vairagya is the opposite of ‘raga’ and means the absence of attachment to the pleasure that we derive from the objects of desire. Even though the word vairagya is derived from ‘raga’, […]
“It’s 7 AM, time for my coffee.”
“It’s 9 PM, time for my favorite TV show.”
“I know I have an appointment to see him at 7 PM; however, I need to finish watching this game on TV – I’m sure he wouldn’t mind waiting for some time. “
Habits. We are […]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Here is a great opportunity for you to get introduced to the underlying concepts of yoga! These discussions can help greatly in developing a deeper understanding of your true nature and also eliminate stress and anxiety from your lives. I invite you to join me for this 14-day intensive.
In […]
All is suffering
Suffering, as we know, is a part of life. When the baby is born, the first sound you hear from the baby is that of a cry. During our lifetime, we go through all kinds of pain and suffering caused by disease, injury, fatigue, stress, disagreements, old age, and finally death etc. […]
Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
I am pleased to announce the next Meditation Intensive. In this program, I will discuss the basic concepts of meditation and practice several of the concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) techniques. Most of the information that I will be sharing is based on the concepts discussed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and related […]
What is willpower?
What is willpower? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines willpower as “energetic determination”. That means we make an enthusiastic mental resolution to achieve a certain goal in a certain period of time and then use “energetic determination” to stay on course to achieve success in our endeavors.
We are all too familiar with people making […]
The Buddha, in his Four Noble Truths, stated:
Life is suffering (Dukkha) There is a cause for this suffering We can put an end to this suffering Here is the eight-fold path to follow to end suffering Five Kleshas
The Yoga system of Patanjali presents a concept of suffering, or pain, which is very similar […]
Vishnu Mudra
I am pleased to announce the next Pranayama intensive. In this program, we will be practicing some of the main pranayama techniques given in our ancient yoga texts. I will also discuss the underlying concepts in the practice of pranayama and all the wonderful benefits that the practice can bring […]
Video DVD
Yoga with Subhash (asana and pranayama)
- Basic asana sequence (~50 min) ($18)
- Pranayama/Meditation (~35 min) ($12)
- Set of above two ($25)
Video recording of special programs offered in the past
(Links to YouTube videos will be provided)
- 21-day yoga immersion - $40
- 7-day hip opening intensive - $20
- 14-day meditation intensive - $30
- 14-day pranayama intensive - $30
- 7-day hamstring/quad intensive - $20
- 14-day Level 2 yoga intensive - $35
Payment options:
- cash, check, Zelle (use subhashmittal@gmail.com) or Venmo (use 9199269717)
- PayPal (go to bottom of page) (add $5 to the fee listed above)
Please contact me if you would like to buy.
Recent Posts
Reclining twisting asana variations
Introduction to Sanskrit – 25-week course
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
FREE class – focus on Pranayama, Sunday, Jan 12
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