21-day Yoga Challenge, November 2010 Yes, we are all set for the next 21-day yoga challenge. Are you ready for this exciting and one of the most memorable yoga experiences of your life? Take the challenge and be transformed. Here are the particulars:
- When: Sunday, October 31 – Saturday, November 20. I can accommodate a maximum of 15 people.
- Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
- Where: Kalasrishti – 3000 Bearcat Way, Suite 112, Morrisville, NC 27513 (off Aviation Parkway)
- Commitment: A Â firm commitment to complete the program without missing a day (except in an emergency)
- Cost: $105
Please contact me if you would like to participate.
Get all the details here…
Video DVD
Yoga with Subhash (asana and pranayama)
- Basic asana sequence (~50 min) ($18)
- Pranayama/Meditation (~35 min) ($12)
- Set of above two ($25)
Video recording of special programs offered in the past
(Links to YouTube videos will be provided)
- 21-day yoga immersion - $40
- 7-day hip opening intensive - $20
- 14-day meditation intensive - $30
- 14-day pranayama intensive - $30
- 7-day hamstring/quad intensive - $20
- 14-day Level 2 yoga intensive - $35
Payment options:
- cash, check, Zelle (use subhashmittal@gmail.com) or Venmo (use 9199269717)
- PayPal (go to bottom of page) (add $5 to the fee listed above)
Please contact me if you would like to buy.
Recent Posts
Reclining twisting asana variations
Introduction to Sanskrit – 25-week course
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
FREE class – focus on Pranayama, Sunday, Jan 12
Day 16 (11/15/10)
Kapalabhati with breath retention and bandhas (locks)
Day 17 (11/16/10)
24 rounds of Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara); interrupted breathing technique
Day 14 (11/13/10)
Discussion on Meditation – Dhyana is defined as "pratyaya ekataanataa dhyaanam" (Meditation is the ability to maintain a constant flow of a single object of meditation for a long time)
Day 15 (11/14/10)
Kumbhaka (breath retention) and Bandhas (Energy Locks)
Day 16 (11/15/10)
Kapalabhati with breath retention and bandhas (locks)
Day 13 (11/11/10)
Five Tibetan Rites – we did 21 rounds of the first exercise, twirling, and 11 rounds of each of the remaining four.
Guided meditation
Day 12 (11/10/10)
Ahimsa – non-violence/non-injury – one of the five yamas mentioned in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
Pranayama – we practiced retention of the breath after inhalation while applying chin lock (Jallandhara Bandha)
Day 11 (11/9/10)
What causes stress and suffering – fear (fear of death) is the main cause. Fear stems from strong likes and dislikes which are the result of a strong ego (ahamkara). Strong, negative ego results from our ignorance – not knowing our true identity.
Day 9 (11/7/10)
Surya Namaskar 12 rounds
Day 10 (11/8/10)
Poses held for a long time with awareness and mindfulness
Day 7 (11/5/10)
Eight Limbs of Yoga – focus on Yamas and Niyamas
Day 6 (11/4/10)
Namaste/Namaskar – significance and meaning
Day 5 (11/3/10)
We discussed one of the two closing chants that is on my website. However, in the class we usually only chant the "om asato ma sadgamaya". For meaning and an audio recording of these chants, please visit the webiste here.
Day 4 (11/2/10)
Significance of OM
Day 2 (10/31/10): Five Koshas – http://yogawithsubhash.com/2009/05/22/pancha-kosha-five-sheaths/
1. Annamaya kosha (physical sheath)
2. Pranamaya kosha (vital body)
3. Manomaya (mental sheath)
4. Vijnanamaaya (intellect/intuition)
5. Anandamaya (blish sheath)
Day 3 (11/1/10):
– Definition of Asana – sthira-sukham-asanam – asana must be firm/steady and comfortable. Read more details here – http://yogawithsubhash.com/2010/07/27/poses-for-meditation/
– Intro to Patanjali and Hatha Yoga