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Surya Namaskar Yogathon Experience (March, 2014)

Imagine a large group of people moving in a beautifully flowing sequence – the twelve positions of Surya Namaskar, orchestrated by this lovely rendition of the mantras associated with Surya Namaskar [audio:]. The atmosphere was serene and peaceful. Everyone got into a deeply meditative mood, moving the bodies in tune with the chants and following the natural rhythms of breathing. Yes, we are talking about the Surya Namaskar Yogathon event at the Hindu Temple in Morrisville where we practiced 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).

The event was held on Saturday, March 1, 7:00-11:30 AM and was attended by about 65 people. A large percentage of the participants completed the full set of 108 rounds. The event was followed by a vegetarian, freshly cooked meal which everyone enjoyed.

Please visit my blog post that I wrote after the same event last year wherein I have provided many more details about the program.

We plan to make it an annual event and are hoping to hold the event on the first Saturday in March each year.

If you were a participant, I would love to hear from you with your feedback and comments (in the comment box below). I look forward to your enthusiastic participation in future events.

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