In a previous post, I described a few stretches to help release tension from the neck muscles. As we know, the neck and shoulders are closely tied together through the nervous system as nerves from the neck pass through the shoulders and down the arms. As such, stretches for the neck and shoulders are usually practiced together so we can relax both the neck and the shoulders together.
I hope you will enjoy practicing along with the video demonstration.
These days, most of us sit in front of the computer for long periods of time. In most cases, we are unaware of the posture that we are sitting in. As is usually the case, we are not able to maintain the spine erect, or the shoulders and hips square and balanced. This poor posture, when sustained for long periods of time, results in pain in the neck and shoulders. Moreover, any mental stress can also have its physical manifestation as neck and shoulder pain. The stretches given here can help a great deal in relieving tension and tightness in the neck and shoulder muscles and joints. Some of these can easily be done while sitting at your office desk or at home. Not only will they provide pain relief but also make you aware of your posture so you will be more likely to maintain a better posture.
Shoulder rotation

You can practice these shoulder stretches either in a comfortable sitting position or a standing position. If done from a standing position, spread the feet about 8-10 inches apart.

- Bend the elbows and place the fingertips on top of the shoulders.
- Bring the elbows together in front with the upper arms horizontal. From here, we’ll try to create a large circle with the elbows.
- Lift the elbows up all the way, push the shoulders and the elbows back, bring the elbows down behind you and then again bring the elbows out in front back to the starting position.
- As for breathing, inhale during the upward movement and exhale during the downward movement of the elbows. Keep the breathing slow and the movement synchronized with the breath.
- Continue in this manner for five more rotations. When the elbows are back in front again after these rounds, pause for a moment and then reverse the direction of rotation.
- Continue for five more rounds in the opposite direction. At the end of the last round, when the elbows come back in front, pause for a moment and then release and relax the arms and shoulders.

Shoulder stretches with a strap

You can buy a strap from any place where yoga mats and other yoga supplies are sold. They are also available online at Amazon etc.
- Stand with your feet about eight inches apart. Take a strap and hold the strap with both hands, in front of the body, keeping the distance between the hands a little wider than the shoulders (see picture).
- While inhaling raise the arms up, keeping the elbows straight and the strap tight. When the hands are slightly behind the shoulders, pause for a moment and with the next exhalation, bring the arms down, back to the starting position.
- Repeat the above move two more times. Relax for a couple of breaths.
- With the next inhalation, raise the arms up as before, but continue to move the arms all the way back and down behind the back (see picture).
- At the end of this move, pause there for a moment and with the next exhalation, bring the arms back up and finally down in front to the starting position.
- Repeat the above move two more times. Relax.

Side stretch with the strap
In this stretch, we not only stretch the shoulders but also develop a deep side stretch for the body.
- As above, start with the strap in front with the strap pulled tight.
- With the inhalation, move the arms up and bring the hands slightly behind the shoulders. Pause for a brief moment in this position.
- With the next exhalation, begin to bend the body to your right, keeping the elbows straight and the strap tight.
- In the final position, try to keep the strap close to being vertical. A good way to ensure this is to release the strap from the right hand (the hand that’s down) which will bring the strap in a vertical position. Then hold the strap in that position and again pull it with both the hands to keep it tight.
- In this position, while the body is bending to the right, press the left foot very firmly into the floor, thus deepening the stretch in the left side of the body. Stay in this position for 5-6 more breaths.
- On the next inhalation, bring the arms and the strap back to the starting position with the strap slightly behind the shoulders.
- Pause there for a moment; with the next exhalation start bending to the left.
- Repeat the above moves on the left side, staying in the final position for 5-6 breaths.
- With the next inhalation, bring the strap back to the starting position, a little bit behind the shoulders. Pause there for a breath or two.
- With the next inhalation, bring the strap once again all the way down, behind the back.
- Pause for a moment and with the next exhalation, begin to raise the arms up and finally bring the arms and the strap back in front of the body.
- Release the strap down and relax.

If you have a tendency to develop neck and shoulder pain due to stress, I recommend that you practice these shoulder and neck stretching routines at least twice a week or more often, if needed.
I would love to hear from you about your experience with these practices. Please post your comments below.
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