Asanas that involve a spinal twist are known to offer many benefits. The most commonly listed benefits include improving blood circulation in the body, enhanced mobility and range of motion of the spine, detoxification and cleansing of the organs. One of the most commonly practiced asanas in this category is the Ardha-matsyendrasana. In this article, I will be discussing two more twisting asanas – Bharadwajasana and a variation of the Marichyasana where the foot is placed in a half lotus position.
Both these asanas are named after well-known ancient rishis (sages). Sage Bharadwaj was one of the group of seven rishis known as sapta-rishi. He was the father of the famed Dronacharya, the teacher for both Pandavas and Kauravas in the story of Mahabharata. Sage Marichi was also one of the seven rishis (sapta-rishi). As given in the stories of Puranas, he is the son of Brahma (the creator God) and chief of the Maruts (also called vayu or wind-gods). He is also listed as one of the ten Prajapatis who were assigned the task of creating and running various aspects of this universe.
Why these poses are named after these rishis is anyone’s guess!
I hope you will enjoy practicing with me using the video demonstration.

- For this asana, I prefer to start by sitting in the Vajrasana (buttocks on the heals). If this is not a comfortable asana for you, you may get into the pose from the Sukhasana (comfortable seated cross-legged pose).
- Stretch the right leg out in front. Roll the hips to the right so that both the hips are on the floor. The left leg remains folded with the left foot on the side of the left hip.
- Place the right foot on top of the left thigh (half lotus) and slide the heel all the way back.
- Now, wrap the right hand behind the back and try to hold the big toe of the right foot which is on top of the thigh. If the hand does not reach the foot, just get as close to the foot as you can.
- Place the left hand on the outside of the right knee.
- While in the position, try to roll the left shoulder back when you inhale and pull the right knee in when you exhale. These moves will help you deepen the experience of this twisting stretch.
- Hold the position for about 25-30 seconds, if comfortable; then, release the pose and slowly get back to the Vajrasana.
- Repeat the above moves now on the other side.
- When you are done with both sides, relax in Sukhasana for a few breaths.
Padma-Marichyasana (half lotus variation of the Marichyasana)

In an earlier blog article, I described two of the commonly practiced variations of the Marichyasana. In this third variation, instead of keeping one leg straight ahead, we fold the leg and place the foot on the opposite thigh in the half lotus position. This is what makes the pose a little more challenging compared to the basic variation described earlier.
- Sit down with both the legs stretched out in front. Now, fold the right knee and place the foot on top of the left thigh in the half lotus position. Slide the heel all the way back on the thigh.
- Fold the left knee and bring the heel very close to the buttocks. The left knee should be tilted outward.
- Position the upper part of the left arm on the inside of the left knee with the palm facing outward. Wrap the arm around the knee.
- Wrap the right hand behind the back and try to hold the two hands together. If the hands do not reach each other, you may use a strap, if handy. Holding the strap with the two hands, try to slide the hands closer to each other.
- Every time you inhale you can try to roll the right shoulder further back to deepen experience of the twist.
- Hold the final position for about 25-30 seconds. Then release the pose and get back to the center.
- Now, repeat the above moves on the other side.
- When you are done with both sides, just relax in the Sukhasana for a few moments with the eyes closed.
- Massages abdominal organs including the liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys
- Stretches the shoulders, knees and the hips
- Stimulates the brain
- Relieves backache and hip pain
- Strengthens and stretches the spine
- Helps relieve constipation and flatulence and improves digestion
- Helps with sciatica
- Relieves menstrual discomfort
- As all the nerves go through the spine, the twisting and stretching of the spine helps make the nerves stronger resulting in better communication between the brain and every cell of the body, both for sense perception and motor action.
- Serious back or spine injury: Perform this pose only under the supervision of an experienced teacher.
- Fluctuating (uncontrolled despite medication) High or low blood pressure
- Migraine or other headache
- Diarrhea
I would love to get your feedback or comments.
Hi Subhash! YOU are AWESOME! Your newsletters are so wonderful and so full of such important useful information and directions! You look Great!!!! (I am tied down because of the virus had to stop all classes and miss teaching soooooooooo much! I have for years wanted to come take a course with you and have never had opportunity now I have no classes and the virus keeps us locked in) I still remember our first training and the Italian man who sang in the shower . We could clearly hear him on the third floor (smile) Hope you and your family are doing Good staying safe and doing some fun things!!!! I still have and wear the white cotton shirt you gave me at that training. You have always been so special and kind to everyone you know!!! Love and Light to you and your family, Jude (Judy Blankenship the frizzie haired blonde)
Hello Jude, what a delight to hear from you after such a long time. Hope things are well with you and family. Yes, I remember fondly our time at Yogaville almost 25 years ago! Due to the situation with Covid-19, I have moved all my classes online now. You mention that you have stopped teaching all your classes due to the current situation. Why not take them online? I am using zoom video streaming for my classes. It is working out pretty well. In fact, it allows people from out of town also to attend the classes. You may want to look into it.