Marichyasana – standing
utthita marīcyāsana (उत्थित मरीच्यासन) (standing Marichyasana), is an intermediate level one-leg balancing pose. The seated version of marīcyāsana is one of the more commonly practiced spinal twisting asanas. The standing version, in addition to providing all the benefits of the standing one-leg balancing poses, also engages the spine in a gentle twisting stretch. We’ll practice two variations of the pose:
- With support of the wall
- Without wall support
My friend, Maanasa, has graciously agreed to demonstrate this asana sequence. I hope you will enjoy practicing with the video.
Standing marīcyāsana, with wall support

Marichyasana – standing (wall)
- Stand perpendicular to the wall, with the left side facing the wall, about 4-6 inches away.
- Place the left elbow on the wall for support.
- Position the hands on your waist and begin to stretch the right leg straight out in front. Try to lift the leg as high as it can go comfortably. Hold the position for 4-5 breaths.
- Bend the right knee and holding the right shin with the hands, bring the knee up high and close to the chest. This is the standing variation of the Pawana-muktasana. Hold this position for a couple of breaths.
- Release the hands. Keeping the left leg firmly grounded, bending slightly forward, position the right upper arm on the inside of the right knee, palm facing outward. Wrap the arm around the knee. Bring the left hand from behind the back and try to hold the two hands together. If the hands don’t reach each other, you may like to use a strap to help you close the gap between the hands.
- Try to keep the torso upright, without tilting the body in any direction.
- Tuck the navel in towards the spine, holding the abdominal muscles firm.
- Maintain your gaze fixed at a spot in front. Hold the pose for about five breaths.
- Slowly release the leg down and relax for a few breaths.
- Turn around and repeat the above steps on the other side.

Standing pawana-muktasana
Standing marīcyāsana, without wall support
This is the main variation of the standing Marichyasana. It is identical to the variation given above except that we’ll repeat the above steps without the wall support.

Standing, one leg stretch
- Improves balance, concentration, patience and determination
- Stronger and tighter abdominal muscles
- Stronger legs, especially the thigh quads and hamstrings
- Increases the flexibility of the hamstring and sciatic nerves
- Strengthens the shoulders
- Stretches the lower back
- Provides a gentle spinal twisting stretch
Avoid this pose if you have pain in the lower back or have a leg or ankle injury.
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