Today I am going to talk about a standing stretch, Tadasana (ताडासन), which is a simple pose to practice and yet provides several excellent benefits. The word Tadasana is usually translated either as the Mountain Pose or the Palm Tree pose.
This is an excellent asana for the health of the spine. […]
The name Mayurasana – मयूरासन – is a composite of two words – mayura (peacock) and asana (pose). The word peacock instantly brings to mind the image of this beautiful bird, dancing with the tail fanned out displaying the most gorgeous colors and designs. Description of a dancing peacock, with its spread out […]
Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolving Triangle Pose) – परिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन – is an intermediate level pose which can be considered a standing twist and provides a great stretch for the hips, the hamstrings, spine, shoulders and the legs. It also provides some challenge in maintaining balance while in the pose.
When you see a picture […]
The word "baka" means a crane in Sanskrit – hence the name "Crane Pose". In some texts, you may find the word ‘bakasana’ ( बकासन) wrongly translated as "Crow Pose". The word for crow in Sanskrit is "kaka" so the Sanskrit word for "crow pose" would be "Kakasana".
Utthita Hasta Padangushthasana ( उत्थितहस्तपादाङ्गुश्ठासन) (Extended hand to big toe pose) is an intermediate level one-leg balancing pose. Like most other standing balancing poses, it develops strength in the legs, focus, concentration, balance and stability.
Step-by-step Begin by coming to a standing posture on the mat. […]
So far I have written about balancing poses which are done in a standing position – for example the Tree Pose or the Dancer Pose. Today’s post is about the Tiptoe balancing pose ( – Padangushthasana – पादाङ्गुष्ठासन, a balancing pose done from a squatting position. This is an intermediate level pose and […]
The Ardha-chandrasana (अर्धचन्द्रासन) (Half Moon pose) is one of the intermediate level one-leg balancing poses. It is an excellent pose for developing strength in the legs and especially for stretching the hamstring and the gluteal muscles.
In my own practice, I try to include Ardha-chandrasana in my routine about once or twice […]
Natarajasana (Dancer’s Pose)
Nataraja (nata means a dancer and raja means the king or the lord), king-dancer, is the name of Lord Shiva (one of the trinity of Hindu gods – Shiva, Vishnu, and Brhma). In addition to being the dissolver of the universe, Shiva was also the Lord of dance and […]
Garudasana (गरà¥à¤¡à¤¾à¤¸à¤¨) is so called because in the final pose it resembles the shape of an eagle, the hands representing the beak of the eagle. In Indian mythology, Garuda was the vehicle that carried Lord Vishnu through the celestial realms.
(click on the blue arrow for audio instructions)
Start in […]
With this post, we will begin discussion of some of the balancing poses that are commonly practiced. We will start with the Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) (वृकà¥à¤·à¤¾à¤¸à¤¨) which is one of the most commonly practiced one-leg balancing poses. Here are some of the benefits that are common to all one-leg balancing poses.
Develop better […]
Video DVD
Yoga with Subhash (asana and pranayama)
- Basic asana sequence (~50 min) ($18)
- Pranayama/Meditation (~35 min) ($12)
- Set of above two ($25)
Video recording of special programs offered in the past
(Links to YouTube videos will be provided)
- 21-day yoga immersion - $40
- 7-day hip opening intensive - $20
- 14-day meditation intensive - $30
- 14-day pranayama intensive - $30
- 7-day hamstring/quad intensive - $20
- 14-day Level 2 yoga intensive - $35
Payment options:
- cash, check, Zelle (use subhashmittal@gmail.com) or Venmo (use 9199269717)
- PayPal (go to bottom of page) (add $5 to the fee listed above)
Please contact me if you would like to buy.
Recent Posts
Reclining twisting asana variations
Introduction to Sanskrit – 25-week course
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
FREE class – focus on Pranayama, Sunday, Jan 12
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