If you have visited my facebook page recently, you may have noticed that I have started adding short video sequences of some of the most commonly practiced asanas on youtube. Many of the students have asked me for video instructions on the basic asanas or sequence of asanas which can help them with their personal home practice. I have been unable to present these video sequences in the past as I could not find someone who could shoot and edit the videos. Fortunately, a few months ago, my good friend, Ami, who is an excellent videographer, very kindly agreed to help me shoot these videos. For the last few weeks we have been shooting, on the average, one short video every week and putting it up on youtube.
I highly encourage you to visit my youtube channel and subscribe to the channel. Having subscribed to the channel, I would truly appreciate your feedback on the videos that you watch. I welcome your comments and feedback and any suggestions for future video sequences. Here are some of the recent videos that you will see on youtube:
Core and back muscles, lower back in particular, are perhaps two of the most important sets of muscles in yoga practice. These muscles get used during majority of the yoga asana and pranayama practices. Strength and stability of these muscles can help you perform most of the yoga practices effectively and safely. On the other hand, a strong and regular yoga practice can help develop these muscles effectively.
For this post, I have chosen four simple poses that will help develop a strong core and stabilize the back muscles. You can view a video of these poses here.
As per our tradition, we recently had the yoga breakfast with the participants of the recently concluded 21-day yoga intensive. It was a great time to mingle with each other in a very relaxed, casual atmosphere. An important part of the get-together always is to share some of the most delicious veggie dishes for breakfast.
Chris Morton has shared this gluten-free and vegan recipe for "pumpkin chocolate chip muffins" which was enjoyed by everyone. Here is the recipe:
Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins
Combine in a mixer:
1 15 oz. can pumpkin
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 cup sugar
Mix dry ingredients:
1 1/2 cups oat flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg(or fresh grated)
1 tsp cinnamon
Add to wet. Mix well
Stir in 1/2 to 3/4 bag of enjoy life mini chocolate chips
Bake at 350° for 25 min.
It yielded 21 muffins for me scooped into mini muffin pans
If you try it out, please share your experience here with preparing the dish and how you enjoyed it.
Come and join me for this life-transforming experience where you will learn two of the most important aspects of a complete, integrated yoga practice – pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. In this program you will be introduced to many of the breathing techniques that are mentioned in our ancient yogic texts. You will also learn the concepts and techniques of meditation.
No prior pranayama or meditation experience is required.
When: Monday, Monday, April 6 – Sunday, April 19, 2015
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM
Location: 4000 Bearcat Way, Suite 102, Morrisville, NC 27560
One of the commonly practiced asanas for building strength in the arms and shoulders and also for a strong core is the Chaturanga Dandasana (four-limbed staff pose). This pose is commonly integrated as part of the Surya Namaskar sequence; however, it can also be done independently in association with its close cousin, the plank pose. Chaturanga Dandasana can be a challenging pose for those with weak wrists, arms or shoulders. A variation, called the Dolphin plank pose, is more readily accessible to most students. Even though it is relatively easier to practice it provides all the same benefits as the plank or the chaturanga dandasana, especially because one can hold the pose for a longer duration. This is a great option for those who have weakness in wrists due to sporting activities or repetitious mouse movements in front of the computer.
I invite you to join us for this memorable yoga event where we will practice 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). Surya Namaskar, practiced to the accompaniment of beautifully chanted mantras,
will not only invigorate and energize you but also lead you into a state of deep meditation.
Event: Surya Namaskar Yogathon (108 rounds of Sun Salutations)
Time: 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM (on-site registration starts at 6:30 AM)
Program Fee (donation to the temple – including veggie lunch): $15 with pre-registration or $20 on the day of the event; In addition, please try to find sponsors who might be willing to pledge money per round that you complete.
As we know, the goal of yoga practice is to attain the highest state of inner peace. Patanjali, in his Yoga Sutras, calls this the Asamprajnata Samadhi (seedless samadhi). This samadhi finally leads to the state of "Kaivalya" which can be translated as self-realization.
In this connection, Patanjali, in yoga sutra 1.20 provides us a great insight into the kind of endeavor needed to attain this state of seedless samadhi:
"For those (who are willing to follow the path of prescribed effort), this Asamprajnata Samadhi is attained through faith (shraddha), energy (virya), memory (smriti), contemplation (samadhi) and discernment (prajna)."
You can think of these five steps as the rungs of a ladder. Most commentators depict these as successive steps, one leading to the next. Thus shraddha (faith) leads to virya (energy) and so on, until we reach the state of prajna (discriminative wisdom). Prajna has been identified elsewhere in the sutras as the state leading to "seedless samadhi" (sutras 1.48 – 1.51).
Let us take a closer look at these five endeavors.
Shraddha (faith)
Shraddha is usually translated as faith. However, faith can sometime mean blind faith which is not what is intended here. For example, one can have a blind faith in the religion they belong to or in the scriptures that they study. In that sense a more appropriate translation of shraddha would be "trust". Here we are talking of trust that is built on proper reasoning and analysis, not blind faith. Since our goal is to attain self-realization through the path of yoga, we are now talking about our total trust and devotion to the eight limbs of yoga, the path prescribed by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.These eights limbs are: 5 yamas, 5 niyamas (yamas and niyamas are social, moral and ethical guidelines), asana (physical posture), pranayama (breathing techniques), pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption). Through this trust and faith, we are totally committing ourselves to the practice of these eight limbs of yoga.
Virya (energy)
The unwavering trust (shraddha) in our endeavor gives us the will-power, courage and determination to follow the prescribed path until our goad is reached. One of the meanings of the Sanskrit word "virya" is "semen". So, some commentators have equated virya with the practice of Brahmacharya (celibacy) which is listed by Patanjali as one of the five yamas. I think when you are totally committed to the path of yoga as an endeavor to reach self-realization, you are more likely than not to automatically follow brahmacharya. Virya thus implies the indomitable courage and will to follow the path of yoga. This determination will bring us back on the path of yoga when the mind is distracted by the sensual objects.
Smriti (memory)
The most common meaning of Smriti is memory. So the question arises "memory of what?". In the current context, I think memory simply means that the only thing we try to remember is our goal and how we plan to attain that goal. Virya or courage that I mentioned earlier will help us stay focused and help us remember only our chosen goal. Memory of other mundane experiences can obviously lead us astray and take us away from our chosen endeavor. For example, when we practice "Ishwara Pranidhana" (surrender to God, which is one of the five niyamas) by repeatedly chanting the AUM sound, it brings the mind to a peaceful state. By keeping the memory of that experience, we can continue on the same path without distraction.
Samadhi (contemplation)
Samadhi, in this context means that the mind has attained a state where it is not distracted by stray thoughts or by the five senses. When we are able to maintain the memory of our goal constantly, the mind is less likely to be driven to objects of the senses. When the mind becomes free of distractions, it attains the state of samadhi which can be understood to mean a mind free of polarity (duality) and conflicts.
Prajna (discriminative wisdom)
The constant practice of samadhi can lead us to the state of discriminative wisdom. In this state, avidya (ignorance) which has been mentioned as the root cause of all kleshas (afflictions) (sutra 2.3) is removed and we are no more under the negative influence of the ego. The mind becomes pure and is able to discriminate between real and unreal. As mentioned in sutras 1.48-51, prajna finally leads us to the state of "seedless samadhi" which is the goal of our yoga practice.
Thus, from shraddha (faith) to prajna (discernment) are the means of attaining the ultimate state of yoga – seedless samadhi.
is a variation of the more commonly practiced Uttanasana (standing forward bending pose). In most of the classes that I teach, we practice the Uttanasana as a part of the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence. The Prasarita-Padottanasana can be practiced either as a part of the Surya Namaskar sequence (from Warrior 2) or as an independent pose as one of the standing poses. It is a nice pose for stretching the legs, hips, inner thighs and the spine.
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