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Pranayama/Meditation Intensive, January 29 – February 9

Alternate nostril breath

I am pleased to announce the next 12-day pranayama/meditation intensive.

Come and join me for this life-transforming experience where you will learn two of the most important aspects of a complete, integrated yoga practice – pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. In this program I will introduce you to many of the breathing techniques that are mentioned in our ancient yogic texts. I will also introduce the concepts and techniques of meditation. No prior pranayama or meditation experience is required.

  • When: Wednesday, January 29- Sunday, February 9, 2014
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM
  • Location: 4000 Bearcat Way, Suite 102, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Daily Routine: Light stretching (10-15 minutes), Pranayama (30 min), Relaxation (10 min), Yoga philosophy (15 min), Meditation (20 min).
  • Commitment: A firm commitment to follow this schedule and attend every day
  • Fee: $75

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Two pillars of yoga practice – Abhyasa (practice) and Vairagya (non-attachment)

Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, has given us this definition of Yoga:

Yogash-chitta-vritti-nirodhah (sutra 1.2)

"Yoga is defined as the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind-complex"

In practical terms, this sutra can be translated as "yoga is the ability to stay calm in all situations in life". When we say "all situations in life", it implies that no matter how dire or desperate the situation may seem, we need to learn how to stay totally calm and peaceful. Only with a calm mind can we handle even the most difficult situation in life effectively and efficiently. The reverse is also true – if we allow the mind to get disturbed, then any decision or action that we take with a disturbed mind cannot be the most effective and, in fact, can bring about negative results.

In subsequent sutras, Patanjali talks about the two pillars of yoga practice that will help us achieve that calmness of mind that we are seeking – abhyasa (practice) and vairagya (non-attachment).

abhyaasavairaagyaabhyaaM tannirodhaH (sutra 1.12)

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Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) – the practice

In an earlier article, I introduced the concepts and benefits of Yoga Nidra. In today’s post, I would like to present the Yoga Nidra practice.

As mentioned in my earlier post, practice of yoga nidra is an integral part of every yoga class that I teach. It is usually practiced after the asana (physical postures) part of the session has been completed.

Yoga nidra is best practiced under the guidance of a teacher. The teacher usually goes through a fixed routine that the student gets used to over a period of time. When the student hears the same voice and the same routine for each yoga nidra session, the body and mind learn to get into natural states of deep relaxation.

If you do not have access to a yoga teacher, or would like to practice it at home as a part of your home routine, you may like to use a recorded version of your teacher’s instructions. Please contact me if you would like to use the recorded version of the yoga nidra sequence that I follow. I’d be happy to share the audio file with you.

The routine consists of first tightening and tensing up different parts of the body, one at a time. Then follows a sequence wherein we progressively relax every part of the body while scanning the body from toes to head in a sequential manner. The practice concludes by gradually bringing the body back to breath awareness, then body awareness and finally gently stretching to wake up the body into full awareness.

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Two delicious, healthy, veggie Salad recipes

Here are two simple, yet delicious recipes for salad that were shared during the breakfast on the first Sunday of the currently ongoing 21-day yoga challenge program. As always, the breakfast was a wonderful experience where we were able to mingle with everyone in a casual and informal, relaxed atmosphere. At the same time, we also shared some of the most delicious veggie dishes.

Try them out and let us know how you like them.

Chickpea Salad


(Contributed by Cindi Freeman)

Here is the note from Cindi:

I don’t have an actual recipe. I tend to make salads to my own liking, but here is my best attempt to tell you how to make it:2 cans chick peas, drained

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21-day Yoga Challenge, January 6-26, 2014


I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Yoga Challenge program. The past programs have been very well received by all the participants. For most of them, it has been truly a life-transforming experience. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding 21-day yoga journey. Here are the particulars:

  • When: Monday, January 6 – Sunday, January 26, 2014
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
  • Where: 4000 Bear Cat Way, Suite 102, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Cost: $145
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Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) – Part 1


Yoga Nidra (योग निद्रा) (Deep Yogic Relaxation) is an integral part of every yoga class that I teach. Following the tradition of the Integral Yoga, the style that I practice and teach, Yoga Nidra is practiced right after the asana (physical postures) segment and before the pranayama (breathing techniques) session.

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Why do we recite Shanti three times?

If you attend any Hindu religious ritual, a Vedic prayer or a traditional Yoga class, you will find that the Shanti mantra (the peace chant) is usually chanted at the end of the ceremony or the class.

Following the tradition of Integral Yoga, the style of yoga that I practice and teach, I conclude each yoga class with this peace chant (Shanti Mantra):

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।

मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om asato mA sadgamaya,

Tamaso mA jyotirgamaya,

Mrityorma amritam gamaya,

Om shanti, shanti, shanti.


Om, lead me from unreal (transitory material existence) to the real (Eternal Self),

From darkness (of ignorance) to light (of wisdom, truth, spiritual knowledge),

From the fear of death to the knowledge of immortality.

Om Peace, peace, peace!

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21-day Yoga Challenge, December 2-22


I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Yoga Challenge program. The past programs have been very well received by all the participants. For most of them, it has been truly a life-transforming experience. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding 21-day yoga journey. Here are the particulars:

  • When: Monday, December 2- Sunday, December 22, 2013
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
  • Where: 4000 Bear Cat Way, Suite 102, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Cost: $145
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Tadasana – a Simple Balancing Stretch


Today I am going to talk about a standing stretch, Tadasana (ताडासन), which is a simple pose to practice and yet provides several excellent benefits. The word Tadasana is usually translated either as the Mountain Pose or the Palm Tree pose.

This is an excellent asana for the health of the spine. Because of gravity, all the weight-bearing joints, especially the inter-vertebral joints, get compressed. Over time this constant compression tends to weaken the joints and makes them stiff. Tadasana helps stretch and lengthen these compressed joints and keeps them flexible and healthy. Natural fluids in the body – blood, lubricants and nutrients flow more easily into these joints.

This pose can be practiced as a stand-alone pose or as a counter stretch after the practice of Shirshasana (Head Stand) or Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand).

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12-day Pranayama/Meditation Intensive, Nov 13-24

Alternate nostril breath

I am pleased to announce the next 12-day pranayama/meditation intensive.

Come and join me for this life-transforming experience where you will learn two of the most important aspects of a complete, integrated yoga practice – pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. In this program I will introduce you to many of the breathing techniques that are mentioned in our ancient yogic texts. I will also introduce the concepts and techniques of meditation. No prior pranayama or meditation experience is required.

  • When: Wednesday, November 13- Sunday, November 24, 2013
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM
  • Location: 4000 Bearcat Way, Suite 102, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Daily Routine: Light stretching (10-15 minutes), Pranayama (30 min), Relaxation (10 min), Yoga philosophy (15 min), Meditation (20 min).
  • Commitment: A firm commitment to follow this schedule and attend every day
  • Fee: $75

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