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Detox with Fasting

In early 2006, while I was attending the 2-month yoga philosophy course at the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, India, one of the teachers gave us a talk on fasting – its techniques, benefits etc. Even though fasting is a common practice in the Indian culture, I had never considered fasting prior to this talk. Skipping even one meal used to feel like a torture for me. This teacher, however, gave quite a convincing argument in favor of fasting. At the Sivananda Ashram, the residents are encouraged to observe a day’s fat on Ekadashi day (11th day of the moon cycle). On that day the ashram kitchen offers a very light breakfast followed by a light lunch. No dinner is served that day. On my first Ekadashi day there,  I felt so hungry in the afternoon that I had to go out and eat dinner at a restaurant. But, after listening to the talk I decided to give it a try once I got back to the US.

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Strengthen your Back with Camel Pose (Ushtrasana)


Camel Pose (Ushtrasana – उष्ट्रासन) is one of the commonly practiced backward-bending poses. It is an intermediate level back bending pose and stretches both the front and back sides of the body. The Sanskrit word ‘ushtra’ means a camel. It is not clear why the pose is named after a camel since the final pose doesn’t look anything like a camel. Maybe it is because the pose can store energy which can be released later, similar to a camel’s ability to store water for a long time.

Since the pose provides an intense back stretch, it is advisable to practice it after some of the  preparatory poses like cobra, locust, shoulder stand etc.

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Strengthen Core Muscles with Boat Pose

Boat pose (Navasana – नावासन or Naukasana – नौकासन)

boat pose
is one of the basic poses that can be practiced to effectively build core strength (in addition to many other benefits, as given here). It is usually practiced along with some of the other poses that are practiced from the supine position – like the shoulder stand (sarvangasana), fish pose (matsyasana), bridge pose (setu-bandhasana) etc.


You can get into the boat pose either from a seated position or from a supine position (shavasana) while you are on your back. I personally prefer to start in the supine position.

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10-day Pranayama/Meditation Intensive – April 2011

The next 10-day pranayama/meditation intensive is scheduled as follows:

  • What: 10-day Pranayama/Meditation Intensive
  • When: Friday, April 1- Sunday, April 10, 2011.
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
  • Where: Kalasrishti – 3000 Bearcat Way, Suite 112, Morrisville, NC 27513 (off Aviation Parkway)
  • Cost: $65

Get full details here…

Halasana (Plow Pose)


The word "hala" in Sanskrit means a ‘plow’ (also spelt ‘plough’), a basic implement in the old days used  to till the soil. In its final position, it resembles a wooden plough which is pulled by one or two oxen or horses in the field. The mention of the name ‘plough’ brings back memories from my own childhood days while I was growing up in the villages of Punjab where this was a common site in the fields.

Halasana is one of the best poses for stretching every part of the spine, especially the upper part of the spine. It is commonly practiced as a concluding variation of the ‘sarvangasana’ (shoulder stand). However, it can be practiced as a stand-alone pose for all the benefits that it provides (see under ‘benefits’ below).

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Healthy Granola Bars Recipe

granola bars

Following our tradition, we had a potluck breakfast last Sunday to "celebrate" the conclusion of the last 12-day pranayama and meditation intensive. That day also coincided with the second leg of the previous 21-day yoga challenge program. So, several of the participants from that course also joined in. As always, everyone brought some of the most delicious, mouth-watering dishes to the table. If for nothing else, one could attend these intensive sessions just for the taste and variety of the items that are served at these breakfasts!

One of items that we had this time was this exquisitely tasting granola bars. These were made with healthy and nutritious organic ingredients. Here is the recipe:

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Spring Yoga Retreat with Subhash

Lakulish ashram

I would like to invite you for a Spring yoga retreat in the beautiful rural setting in Mebane, NC. At this retreat you will be able to slow down and experience yourself at a deeper level, nourished and supported by the beauty of natural surroundings. You will be able to deepen your personal yoga practice and develop an understanding of the yoga philosophy in an ashram-like setting under the guidance of Subhash Mittal. Subhash is a long-time yoga practitioner and a dedicated yoga teacher who has been teaching yoga since 1996. Subhash brings the best out of the traditional, ancient yoga teachings and weaves these teachings in the practice of asana, pranayama, meditation and relaxation leading to a fulfilling and enriching life experience.

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Why do we suffer?

The Buddha in his Four Noble Truths stated:

  1. Life is suffering (Dukkha)
  2. There is a cause for this suffering
  3. We can put an end to this suffering
  4. Here is the eight-fold path to follow to end suffering

The Yoga system of Patanjali has a very similar concept of suffering or pain. In modern terminology, ‘stress’ is another name for this suffering. Patanjali uses the term ‘klesha’ to denote afflictions or suffering. He talks about five different kleshas, their cause and the remedy. These keshas are:

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21-day Yoga Challenge, March 2011

Yes, we are all set for the next 21-day yoga challenge. Are you ready for this exciting and one of the most memorable yoga experiences of your life? Take the challenge and be transformed! Here are the particulars:

  • When: Monday, February 28- Sunday, March 20, 2011.
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
  • Where: Kalasrishti – 3000 Bearcat Way, Suite 112, Morrisville, NC 27513 (off Aviation Parkway – the studio is located on the back side of the last building in the complex)
  • Commitment:
    • A firm commitment to complete the program without missing a day (except in an emergency).
    • At the end of the program, continue the same practice at home for another 21 days to make it a life-long habit
  • Cost: $125

You may like to visit the testimonials page on my website to see what some of the previous participants have to say about this program.

Please contact me if you would like to participate.

Get all the details here…

Recipe – Lemon-rosemary Crumb Cake

Here is the recipe from Carol Fine for a delicious Lemon-rosemary Crumb Cake. Carol brought this cake during the last 21-day yoga breakfast and everyone loved it. Give it a try and enjoy!

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