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Reflections from the Pranayama/Meditation Intensive

We concluded the last 12-day pranamaya/meditation intensive on Sept 18. We had 20 participants for this session, the maximum number that the studio can accommodate. It is truly heartening to see that there is growing awareness among yoga practitioners that pranayama and meditation are very integral to the practice of yoga. Most people practice yoga purely for physical benefits. However, since yoga has the potential to impact us at various levels including physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and beyond, when we limit the practice to physical only, we miss out on all the other benefits that yoga has to offer. I have been offering these pranayama/meditation intensives to emphasize the value and benefits of these components of yoga.

The feedback from all the participants in the program has been very positive and encouraging. Even though waking up early enough to start the class at 6 AM was a challenge for most of them, they all seem to have adjusted to it within  a couple of days. Here is a sampling of some of the comments from the participants:

"Wonderful!! I learned so much about the history and philosophy of Hatha yoga in 12 days …"

"I felt the energy level was high after doing Yoga and Pranayama… "

"… Subhash…you are a kind and passionate teacher and I hope to know you for many years…"

You can read all the comments on my website here.

As many of you are aware, I offer two kinds of morning programs – the 21-day yoga challenge and the pranayama/meditation intensive. Please let me know if you would like to participate in a future similar program.

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