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Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (colon cleanse – short version)


In the classical yoga text, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, six cleansing techniques, called Shat-karma, are described. These are:

  1. Neti (nasal cleansing)
  2. Basti (like an enema)
  3. Dhauti (alimentary canal cleansing)
  4. Trataka (for the eyes)
  5. Kapalabhati (breathing technique for purifying the nervous system)
  6. Nauli (abdominal churning)

The practice of Dhauti as given in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is as follows (chapter 2, verse 24):

"A strip of wet cloth, four angulas wide (i.e. seven to eight centimeters) and fifteen hand spans (i.e. one and a half meters) in length is slowly swallowed and then taken out, as instructed by the guru. This is known as dhauti."

As you can see, this practice is not very easy to do as it involves swallowing a long piece of wet cloth and then taking it out. To do this technique, one needs guidance from a competent guru and a fairly long time to get comfortable with it. As such, it is not commonly practiced as the technique for internal cleansing.

A few alternative techniques have evolved over the years. One of the most popular colon cleansing techniques is known as the Shankha Prakshalana (शङ्ख प्रक्षालन). The word "shankha" means a conch and "prakshalana" means a wash. The abdomen is shaped like a conch. Thus cleansing of the abdomen and the colon is called Shankha Prakshalana (SP). There are two versions of this practice commonly in vogue. One is called the full version and the other is an abbreviated version called Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (लघु शङ्ख प्रक्षालन) (LSP). The word "laghu" means short or brief. The full version involves repeating the short version multiple times.

Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (LSP)

In this article, I will be describing the short version, LSP, in detail.

I learned about this technique around 1997 when I was trying to find a yogic way to help me with my constipation problem. When I look back, I recall that I had been dealing with constipation right from my school days. In those days I used to drink one or two cups of tea first thing in the morning to help me with bowel movement. Sometimes even after two cups of tea I would have to wait about a half hour before the tea would have its effect.

Around 1997 I tried LSP and it seemed to give excellent results. I gave up on my morning tea and started the LSP practice each morning. Within a few days I started feeling much lighter and more energetic since now my stomach felt very clean and I developed a much healthier appetite. Since then I have continued the practice of LSP every morning.

So, what is Laghu Shankhaprakshalana (short version of colon cleanse) and how to practice it? I found details about the technique in a book from the Bihar School of Yoga. Incidentally, I am really fond of books from BSY; they have books on almost every aspect of yoga and they are all extremely well written. Essentially, LSP involves drinking four to six glasses of lukewarm, saline water, first thing in the morning. After drinking water, you are supposed to do a sequence of five postures, each eight times. Within a short time, this routine helps in bowel movement. As I mentioned, I have been practicing the LSP routine on a daily basis for over fifteen years now. Even though the text strongly recommends using salt water, I have been using plain, unsalted water since I am on medication for high blood pressure and I feel using salt water might aggravate my BP situation. Over time my body seems to have adjusted to unsalted water as I get good results with the practice.

When to practice? It is highly recommended that you practice LSP first thing in the morning.

What do you need? All you need is about six glasses (approximately two liters) of saline lukewarm water.

How often should you practice? If you suffer from constipation, you may practice LSP everyday. As I mentioned above, it has been a daily routine for me for over fifteen years. Otherwise, you may practice once or twice a week, or as often as needed.

How long does it take? The total duration may vary from person to person depending upon how soon you get the bowel movement. In my case, the time to do the practice as well as the bowl movement is approximately one hour.

Contraindications and precautions

  • If you suffer from ulcers, you should practice LSP under expert guidance.
  • If you have high blood pressure, you may reduce the quantity of salt in water, or eliminate it altogether.
  • Once you complete the practice, give yourself about a half hour before eating any food. In my own practice, I practice my yoga routine soon after finishing LSP.
  • It is strongly suggested that you should not, under any circumstances, try to force a bowel movement. Forcing bowel movement is the easiest way to develop piles. The bowel movement should be natural and relaxed.


LSP is an excellent practice to deal with digestive problems such as constipation, flatulence, acidity, indigestion and many other ailments related to the digestive tract. Many bodily ailments can be tracked down to digestive issues. LSP helps cleanse the entire colon system of all impurities resulting in better overall health.


The technique is quite simple. Drink two glasses of the saline, lukewarm water that you have prepared. Then practice the five prescribed asanas, each eight times. Now repeate this cycle two more times. If at any time during this procedure you get the urge to evacuate, then quit the practice at that time and go for bowel movement.

Shankhaprakshalana Asanas

Given below are the five asanas that you will practice after drinking water. It is recommended that you practice each asana eight times.

  1. Tadasana (standing arm stretch)
  2. Tiryaka tadasana (standing arm and side body stretch )
  3. Katichakrasana (standing twisting stretch)
  4. Tiryaka bhujangasana (twisting stretch from upward facing dog position)
  5. Udarakarshanasana (twisting stretch on tip-toes)

This series of asanas has a special role to perform in the LSP and SP practices. They systematically open the various intestinal valves between the abdomen and the bowels. Therefore the prescribed sequence of asanas is important, and they should be done in the order listed. In this way, the salt water is encouraged to flow from the beginning of the intestines to the rectum. It is for this reason that these asanas are especially incorporated into these two cleansing practices.

These asanas can also be practiced as individual asanas, independent of the LSP or SP practices. They give benefits in their own right, apart from association with these cleansing processes.

Tadasana (standing arm stretch)

The Sanskrit word tada means ‘mountain’. It is also often known as the heavenly stretch pose, because this is exactly what you do in this asana: stretch the body upwards towards the heavens.

Tadasana (standing arm stretch)


  1. Stand erect with your feet about 8-10 inches apart. Fix your gaze at a point directly in front or above you. Pick an object that is not shifting its posotion.
  2. Interlock the fingers of both hands. Then, while inhaling, begin to raise the arms and heels together, palms facing upward. Stretch your whole body upwards as far as possible, keeping the arms straight and the hands interlocked.
  3. At first, it may be difficult to maintain balance, but with practice it becomes easier; the important thing is that you keep your gaze fixed on the chosen point.
  4. Remain in the final position for a few seconds.
  5. Then, while exhaling, turn the palms down and begin to lower the arms and heels together. When the heels touch the ground, rest your hands on top of the head.
  6. This is one round. Rest for a couple of seconds.
  7. Now repeat the above movements the prescribed number of times. Try to synchronize the movements of the arms and heels with the appropriate breathing pattern as given above.


This asana develops a sense of balance. The whole body is stretched, which loosens up the entire spinal column from top to bottom. Furthermore, the abdominal organs and muscles are toned up.

Tiryakaa Tadasana (standing arm and side body stretch )

You can think of it as the ‘wind-blown palm tree pose’.

Tiryaka Tadasana (arm and side stretch)


  1. Stand erect with your feet about 8-10 inches apart. Fix your gaze at a point directly in front or above you. Pick an object that is not shifting its posotion.
  2. Interlock the fingers of both hands. Then, while inhaling, begin to raise the arms and heels together, palms facing upward. Stretch your whole body upwards as far as possible, keeping the arms straight and the hands interlocked.
  3. While maintaining this stretched position, while inhaling, bend your body to the right, keeping both the arms glued to the ears. Try to stay on the tip-toes throughout the stretch.
  4. Then while exhaling bring your body back to the center. Now, while inhaling, bend your body to the left, keeping your arms in line with the trunk, glued to the ears. While exhaling, bring your body back to the center.
  5. This completes one round. Rest for a couple of seconds.
  6. Now repeat the above movements the prescribed number of times. Try to synchronize the movements of the arms and heels with the appropriate breathing pattern as given above.
  7. If you find it difficult to balance on tiptoes for the entire practice then you can do the asana while standing firmly with the feet flat on the floor. When you develop a better sense of balance, you can start to do the practice on tiptoes. However, you should try to balance on your tiptoes for at least a few seconds each time you do the asana, as this will help develop the sense of balance.

Kati Chakrasana (standing twisting stretch)

Kati-chakrasana (standing twist)

The Sanskrit word kati means ‘waist’ and chakra means a ‘circle’, ‘wheel’ or ‘rotation’. Therefore, in English this asana is the ‘waist rotating pose’.


  1. Stand erect with your feet about 8-10 inches apart.
  2. Place your right hand over the left shoulder and wrap the left arm behind the back. While inhaling, begin to twist your body to the left, looking down over the left shoulder and trying to look beyond the two heels. While twisting, keep the feet firmly planted to the ground and the legs straight and vertical. Maintain the final twisting position for a second or two.
  3. While exhaling, bring the body back to the center.
  4. Now, place the left hand over the right shoulder and wrap the right arm behind the back.
  5. While inhaling, begin to twist your body to the right, looking down over the right shoulder and trying to look beyond the two heels. While twisting, keep the feet firmly planted to the ground and the legs straight and vertical. Maintain the final twisting position for a second or two.
  6. While exhaling, come back to the center. That completes one round.
  7. Now repeat the above movements the prescribed number of times. Try to synchronize the movements with the appropriate breathing pattern as given above.


This asana tones up the waist, back and hip joints. It is particularly useful for removing spinal stiffness. Though it is a simple asana, the mere relaxation and swinging movement of the upper part of the body induces a wonderful feeling of lightness. It is a great stress reliever. Also, if you have been sitting or standing in one position for a long period of time, this is an excellent asana for quickly and effectively removing body stiffness.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana (twisting stretch from extended cobra position)

The word tiryaka means ‘oblique’, ‘sideways’ or ‘horizontal’, and bhujanga means a ‘cobra’. The extended cobra can also be considered as the Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva-mukha-shvanasana) pose.

Tiryak Bhujangasana (twisting cobra)


  1. Lie down on your abdomen, face down. Rest for a few breaths. You may keep the feet together or just slightly apart.
  2. Lifting the head up, place the palms on the floor next to the chest with the fingers in line with the shoulders. Slowly begin to lift the head and chest up and then stretch the elbows straight. At this point the hands are vertically below the shoulders.
  3. While inhaling, turn to your left, looking over the left shoulder and trying to take your gaze past both the heels. While turning to the left, keep your right thigh pressed firmly into the ground. Also, try to keep the arms straight and the back relaxed. Try to keep the navel on the ground.
  4. Stay in the final position for a second or two. While exhaling come back to the center.
  5. While inhaling, turn to your right, looking over the right shoulder and trying to take your gaze past both the heels. While turning to the right, keep your left thigh pressed firmly into the ground. Also, try to keep the arms straight and the back relaxed. Try to keep the navel on the ground.
  6. Stay in the final position for a second or two.
    While exhaling come back to the center. That completes one round.
  7. Now repeat the above movements the prescribed number of times. Try to synchronize the movements with the appropriate breathing pattern as given above.


The word udara means the ‘stomach’ and ‘abdomen’, and akarshan means ‘to stretch’ or ‘massage’. Therefore this is known as the ‘abdominal massage pose.



  1. Take a squatting position, with your feet about 8-10 inches apart. Lift your heels up and place your hands on your knees.
  2. Inhaling, turn to the right side, pushing your left knee to the ground, under the right knee. Try not to move the position of the feet. You can keep your hands on your knees throughout the practice or you can use the left hand to gently guide the right knee in for a deeper twisting experience.
  3. Twist your head back as far as comfortable, looking over your right shoulder. Allow your back to stay relaxed.
  4. Stay in the final position for a second or two. While exhaling, return to the squatting position.
  5. While inhaling, repeat the same procedure, twisting your body in the other direction, pushing your right knee to the floor and looking over your left shoulder. Again, You can keep your hands on your knees throughout the practice or you can use the right hand to gently guide the left knee in for a deeper twisting experience.
  6. Stay in the final position for a second or two. Exhaling, return to the starting position.
  7. This completes one round.
  8. Now repeat the above movements the prescribed number of times. Try to synchronize the movements with the appropriate breathing pattern as given above.


  • This is a very useful asana for people with abdominal ailments, because it alternately compresses and stretches the digestive organs, nerves and muscles.
  • If you suffer from constipation, we recommend that you practice this regularly, as it helps to encourage the normal functioning of the large intestine and the anal sphincter.

Do you have a practice of SP or LSP of your own? Please share your experience in the comments section below.

301 comments to Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (colon cleanse – short version)

  • Neha

    Hi Subhash sir,
    Due to lack of knowledge I practiced it little incorrectly
    I had one glass of water with one tsp salt and practiced asanas and repeated once more the same thing.
    After 5 -10 m I went for normal bowel.
    After 5-10 m sitting pose rest I had one more glass of water wiyh pinch of salt and repeated poses for clear bowel and I pooped twice with watery and some particles
    Then I got chills and I rested for 40 -50 m and now cooked khichdi.
    Please share me the after care document to avoid constipation tomorrow.

  • Preethi

    Namaste ,
    We ( I and my two sons ) did the LSP today. We took the saline water a glass at a time and performed the set of asanas . After the fourth round was sceptical whether it works cos we didn’t feel the urge to relieve ourselves. After the 8 th round was happy 😊 that we did this and feeling at peace now . Thank you for the detailed explanation. Would appreciate if you can email me the doc file as well 🙏🏻

  • Lekshmi Pillai

    Hello Sir

    As mentioned in my previous reply, I followed your steps and had good result for 4 days. After that I noticed I am not longer getting the urge to evacuate my bowel even after completing LSP. Is my body getting used to the yoga? Is this normal? What can I do to ensure that I evacuate in the morning hours itself.
    Looking forward to your reply.

    Thanks 🙏

    • Effectiveness of LSP may depend upon the severity of constipation. In my case also, because I have chronic constipation, every now and then I need to drink additional amount of water and repeat the LSP sequence before successful bowel movement. The diet also plays an important role. You may need to add more salads and soup to the diet which increase the fiber content of the diet.

  • Lekshmi Pillai

    Namaste Subash Sir
    Thank you for this information that you have shared with us all. I am thinking of starting with LSP from tomorrow based on this blog post. Is there anything else I should be knowing regarding this? In terms of diet?

    Lekshmi Pillai

  • Shradha

    Hello sir…

    I tried this technique today… however after the 5th glass of water I vomited the water out… what to do in such a case? Thankyou

  • Leandro

    Hi, thanks for this wonderful technique you are sharing! I suffer from constipation since i was a child, and i want to practice lsp to help relieve my symptoms. Can you send me the information please?
    Thanks very much Subhash for your help

    • Leandro, I have sent an email with the two docs that will help you practice LSP and SP. I hope the practice will help you with your constipation. Like you, I’ve had constipation since my childhood days. LSP has really helped me get over it.

  • Ona

    Thank you so much for the information.
    I was recently diagnosed with auto immune disease-Hashimoto’s.
    I am always constipated, I am going to try this technique. I started to drink salt water but not exercising.
    Can I get links too, please?
    Also, what should I eat if I have a Hashimoto’s?

    Thank you so much?

    • Ona, I have sent the links via email. I am not familiar enough with Hashimoto’s disease to offer any diet guidelines. Please share your experience with the practice here.

  • Jiacui sheng

    Hello, can I have the file for reference please? Thank you

  • Ami Shah

    I would like to try this! I had colonscopy done and they used the same method except for the asanas were missing. Could you send me the two documents? Thank you in advance.

  • Sup

    Hi Subhash, I did SP and the whole process went smoothly. I ate khichdi unsalted for the first day. next day, along with khicdi, added 2 vegetables. 3rd also continued with the same and added a few ground nuts in to my diet. Its 4th day today, however my bowel movement has not resumed. I am getting more anxious about it. Can you please share me the pdf of food details or what should I do next?

    • I am surprised that you haven’t had bowel movement four days after SP – quite unusual! Try LSP a couple of times and see if that helps. I have sent the docs via email.

  • Veda

    Hi Subhash ji. My sister and I, both practice LSP today. While Iam completely fine with it, my sister is experiencing severe blaoting and gas(acidity). Its more than 12 hours now.

    Is this normal? Should we do something about it?

    I have seen that you are replying to all comments here..waiting for your reply.

    Thank you.
    Also, can you please send me those documents for LSP from BSY..thanks in advance.

    • Veda, it is very rare to have such an experience as your sister had. In fact, LSP is highly recommended to get relief from bloating and acidity. I suggest she try it one more time and see how it goes. I wish her all the best.

  • Mia

    Greetings Subhashji and thank you for your post. I would like to try this cleaning technique. What can I eat after that? And I also wonder if I can do a two-day water fast before practicing LSP? Can you please also send the documents? Thank you very much

  • Aditya

    Thanks for above explanation for asanas and procedures
    Can you share links OF the two documents on Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP).

  • Priyanka

    Namaste Subhash ji,

    Thank you for such clear instructions. I did LSP and felt really light afterwards. I do have constipation issues and I will be performing the practice every week to stay consistent.

    If you could please share documents with me for reference, thank you!

  • Dolly

    Great Work! Thank you for guiding everyone with your experience.

  • Khyati

    Thanks for above explanation for asanas and procedures
    Can you share links OF the two documents on Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP).

  • Vaidehi Dixit

    I have been suffering from ibs constipation since a long time.I do not have proper appetite ,I am aways in abdominal pain and many food intolerance.I want to try LSP(I had performed lsp one time in SVYASA institute). Please provide me with the details so that I can practice it without errors.

  • Rajeshri

    I am suffering from constipation from long time,I had tried lsp 2 months back but had no bowel movement after 10 glass of warm water so I stopped and continued with routine diet.but I developed a new problem my stomach vibrates the whole day from inside.kindly suggest any remedy shown to many docs but no success.

    • My suggestion would be to try LSP at least a couple of more times. Try to eat a light meal the previous day. Sometimes when you have acute and chronic constipation, it may take a few repetitions of the procedure to take effect. Of course, I must emphasize that depending upon just one yogic technique is not a wise decision. You must include the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation to your routing so the whole body begins to heal. No one part of the body functions in isolation. You need to engage the body, breath and the mind to harmonize the system. That way specific techniques like LSP can become more effective.

  • Aakash

    Please provide me guidance for lagu shankh prakarsan

    • You can follow the procedure mentioned in the article. If you have never done it before, it is a good idea to eat very light food the previous day, skipping dinner if you can. Try it a couple of times and see how you feel. Share your experience here.

  • Mahesh

    I am suffering from chronic gas, constipation and indigestion since last 20 years and now developed intolerance to gluten. I want to try LSP. can you please send me guideline documents?

  • Tania

    Thank you so much, Subhash!
    Perhaps you would like to advice on following.
    I practice Shanka Prakshalana once or twice a year for the last 20 years. I also enjoy doing asanas. SP is a wonderful practice which next day makes me feel very light and calm. After I’ve grown up, I did not had much trouble with digestion, eating plenty of fresh vegetables. Now, I am 49 years old, I saw a signs of hidden constipation, and recalled that it is time for yearly Shanka Prakshalana. This time it went very tiring, after 6th glass of saulty water I finally got bowel movements. I became very tired and fell asleep (I know this is WRONG! I just could not resist.) before taking meal after Shanka Prakshalana. In the coming days I became constipated, tried to do Laghu Shanka Prakshalana with fresh water (no sault) and I basically had no results. I really don’t know what is going on.
    I have also tried to switch to Bryan Johnson’s “Blueprint” diet and tried intermittant fasting before doing SP.

    • Tania, it is not easy to figure out what may be causing your situation, especially since you have done the SP successfully in the past. In my own case, occasionally I also feel constipated despite doing my daily routine of LSP. In such cases, I have used an herbal supplement called “haritaki” at night which works pretty well for me. You may want to try it out.

  • Daya

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us Subhash. I would like to learn more. Could you please send the two documents on Shanka Prakshalana (SP) and Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP)?

  • Akanksha Tripathi

    Hello sir,

    After LSP, is that mandatory to skip salt from Khichdi or any meal for that day?
    4 rounds of 2 glasses of water and asanas is what i followed.

    What to eat and what to avoid for the day of LSP practice i wanted to understand.Any guidelines will be helpful.
    Do we need to avoid all fruits veggies too?
    Can we add tomato in Khichdi?

    • Hello Akanksha, there are no rigid guidelines after LSP. Strict guidelines are to be followed after SP only. After LSP, just using commonsense, avoid any kind of fried, heavy food – just keep it light. As I have mentioned in the article, I practice LSP everyday and eat regular food. In the early days of LSP practice, you may be careful not to overeat etc.

  • shripad

    Many thanks Suhashji,

    Many thanks for answering my query on Worms.

    Is there any guidance about in which cases to go for LSP and in which case to go for Enema/Basti? Or these are just 2 techniques and either can be used to clean? I guess LSP cleans the whole path but Basti is only for Large Intestines. But apart from that not sure whether there is any guidance on applying which technique when hence asking.

    Many thanks once again.

    Kind regards,

    • Essentially, both enema and LSP help with bowel movement. LSP and SP do a much thorough cleansing of the whole system, from the abdominal lining to all the way down to the rectum. On the other hand, as you mentioned, enema works on the lower area of the large intestines. In my own case, I practice LSP daily since I’ve suffered from constipation from my early youth. I practice enema only when the constipation is acute. Do what works best for you.

      • Daya

        Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us Subhash. I would like to learn more. Could you please send the two documents on Shanka Prakshalana (SP) and Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP)?

  • Shripad

    Hello Subhashiji,

    Many thanks for this wonderful article. Can you please send me the documents via email. Also when it comes to benefits are Enema and LSP same?

    Will LSP also kills worms in Stomach if any?

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards,

    • Shripad, there is another cleansing practice in yoga called Basti which is the same as enema. LSP is part of the practice called Dhauti which is more for cleansing the stomach and the colon area. LSP will cleanse the stomach out; so if there are worms there, they will be removed from the stomach. I don’t believe LSP will kill the worms.

  • Irene

    Thanks for this great article. I am interested in learning more.
    Could you send me the documents you mentioned in your previous comments? Thanks a lot!!

  • Anand

    Dear Subhash ji,

    Thank you very much for the valuable information on your website. I am interested in learning more about LSP. Could you please send me the documents you mentioned in your previous comments? Thank you very much.

  • Purnima Misra

    Thank you so much Subhash Ji for the detailed article on LSP.

    Could you please send links OF the two documents on Shanka Prakshalana (SP) and Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP)?


  • Samir Ranjan

    Namaskar Subhash Ji !
    Please send docs for LSP and SP.
    Thank You !

  • Bhargavi

    Helo sir..can you please tell how many grams of salt per 1 liter water & would you please send me documents. I want to go through and try LSP for 1st time..

  • Brajamani

    Sir, please send me the doc of LSP and SP.


  • Shiva N

    Hi Subhash ji, thanks for sharing the great info.
    Could you please share me the doc links on both sp and lsp.

  • Rajinder

    Please send me the links for LSP sir

  • Sir,
    Can you send me the docs pl.

  • Dear Sir,

    I have hypertension, taking 5 mg tablet for BP. Can I go for SP (Full) with recommended amount of salt water? or, what is the best option pl?

  • Likhon

    Thank you for your information.I am interested in learning more about LSP. Could you please send me the documents?

  • Sarah

    Thanks for the information. I tried this practice for the first time this week and found it restored my connection with my appetite. It also brought me a deep sense of stillness that greatly enhanced my meditation practice. I am very grateful. I would love a copy of the documents. Thank you 🙏

    • Thanks, Sarah, for sharing your experience. So good to know that you found it beneficial at multiple levels. I have sent the links to the docs via email.

  • Kunal

    Dear Subhash Sir,

    Thank you very much for the valuable information on your website. I am interested in learning more about LSP. Could you please send me the documents you mentioned in your previous comments? Thank you very much.

    Deepest gratitude,

  • Konrad

    Thank you, that’s helpful! Could you please send me the documents on LSP and SP you mentioned in previous comments?

  • Konrad

    Hello! Can I do the practice on the morning commencing my water fast? Thank you very much!

  • S❤️

    Hi there I love this article! Tried the routine right away which happened to be at night but I am looking forward to trying it in the morning. Thank u for sharing! Just to clarify. Do u perform each asana 8 times in a row before moving on to the next one. Or is it all of them once and then 8 times. I did the first option but I want to make sure that is correct. I would also love the documents to my email if you still have them. Thank you again!

    • thanks for sharing your experience. I suggest doing the practice in the morning, not at night. Also, yes, you want to do all 8 movements in a row before moving on to the next one. I have sent you the email with links to the two docs.

  • Gauranga

    I did LSP yesterday, with 1L water, but mostly in few times only water passed out with some other bits
    then today i did with over 2 liters, but this time eccept twice some smaller amount of water came out, nothing else. Now its 5-6 ours later, only my stomack produces strange sounds. Yesturday i had ony one cup of spiced milk in evening and nothing else whole day, today after coulple of hours of LSP i had some fruit and some socked nuts.
    Planing to continue LSP for a week every day, it may get better
    I’m eperiancing difficulties in bowel movement for about 1 month.
    I took few times a strong natural laxatives during that time. But for the last few days it seem they do not work.

    Should i continue LSP until i get result?

    i Thank you for these advices, very helpful

    From UK

    • Dear Gauranga, obviously you seem to have pretty severe constipation. Yes, try LSP out for a few more days and see how it goes. If it is not producing results, you may need medical intervention.

  • Deepa

    Hi Subhash!
    can you email me the documents please?

  • Siva

    Hi Subhash ji,

    Can you pl. share the documents in e-mail.

    Thank you!

  • Seema Soni

    Hello Subhash, is there a way to do the LSP with a yoga instructor as a beginner? Are there any instructors in NJ?

    • Hello Seema, I am sorry but I am not familiar with any teacher in NJ who can guide you with LSP. You may have to post a query on the social media and try it out. It is a good idea to be able to do it under a teacher’s guidance in the beginning.

  • Neetu Gupta

    Dear Sir,
    Pls send me a copy of the documents on my e-mail.I have done LSP once with my yoga teacher.
    Not sure about how frequently it can be done.Do you add salt if you do it everyday?


    Thank you for your detailed write-up,I did it this morning but even after 6 glasses of water with salt and the exercises I did not get a bowel movement. It’s evening now.I am feeling full and bloated but not getting any urge to pass the stool.
    Next time should I drink water until I feel the urge?

    • The guideline given in the text is that you should drink water until you get the bowel movement. If it still doesn’t happen, then you may have a medical issue which may need medical intervention.


    Dear Subash,

    Could you share the details of LSP.

    My id is


  • Cindy Tan

    Thank you Subhash for the documents which I have received in good order.

    I started on the Laghu Shankha Prakshalana practice this morning and found it to be a great relief from my chronic constipation. Although it was a feeling of too much water after the 4th cup of water, I persevered and finally made it to the 6th cup. I only managed to go to the toilet a few hours after that, so the effect was not immediate. Nonetheless, it was a great feeling to be able to pass out the stools without having to strain. Many thanks once again.

    • Thanks, Cindy, for sharing your experience. Even though the bowel movement was delayed, I am glad the experience produced a good feeling. Let us know how it goes the next time.

  • Cindy Tan

    Hi Subhash,

    I would like to have the document as well. Many thanks.

  • Manmohan

    Please send me documents regarding lsp and sp. Can i do it daily with saline water

  • I have sent the links via email.

  • Vijaya

    Dear Sir, I tried practicing LSP with lukewarm water once before however I vomited while having the 4th glass. I tried again and stopped after the 4th glass. I would like to do it the right way so could you please send me the documents mentioned by you. Thanks VS

  • Lily

    Dear Subhash, I am also interested in practicing LSP so I kindly request you to send me the docs you have mentioned via email. Best wishes Lily

  • Bhavana

    Hi sir i got one time loose stool after this, and then only peeing for more than three times. Is it normal? M i normal i mean..!!

  • Shashank

    Thanks for wonderful explanation. This was my first time with LSP. After my first round of exercises (after 2 glasses of lukewarm water with salt) I passed normal stools. After my 3rd round it was more watery. I did only 3 rounds today.
    I still have a feeling of fullness and tightness mainly in lower abdomen. This has been my problem for last 6 months. I am not sure if its constipation or something else. Please advice.

    • Since you already had bowel movement, you probably are not constipated. Some feeling of fullness is normal after drinking more water than you are used to. I think if you practice a few more times, that feeling of heaviness should go away. How do you feel overall after the practice?

      • Shashank

        Thanks sir.
        This feeling of fullness is there for last 6 months where my abdomen from mid to low is tight.
        Since after the LSP I also passed watery stool , I feel there is no constipation as you also suggested.
        Overall I can comment on LSP after few sessions
        Thanks again

  • Bhawana

    Hello sir,
    Is it safe to perform LSP or SP on my own?
    If so then please send me those documents.

  • Vidya

    Pls send those documents via email

  • Santiago Zambrano

    Hi, I’m Santiago Zambrano from Ecuador. I’m gonna make LSP dialy in order to heal my SIBO and gut problems have you ever heard about SIBO? I really hope LSP can help me threw this, could you please send me the documents? Blessings from the center or the world!

  • Nishtha



    Can you share the document ? I have read that in patanjali book.

    • Can you please provide the exact title of the “Patanjali book” that you are referring to? If possible, attach an image of the page where it is mentioned and send it via email. Thnaks.


    I just wanna ask one more thing,LSP practice says you can’t have dairy products that day except ghee.Doing it on a daily basis ,one should not consume that?

    • Hello Nishtha, where did you read that you can’t have dairy products when you do LSP? I don’t follow any diet restrictions after LSP – just taking precautions not to eat anything heavy etc. Keeping the diet light and healthy helps. However, when you do full SP, then you have to follow strict diet guidelines.

  • Nishtha

    Hi, I did my laghi shankh prakshalan today but after eating khichdi I slept while trying to do the shavasana deep sleep.I have piles,fistula.I don’t get bowel movements easily.Will doing it on a daily basis for few days help me eliminate the two?

    • I don’t think you should look any of the yoga practices as a form of a pill that can give you instant relief. You need to think of yoga practice as a lifestyle, a habit. When practiced regularly for a long time you will start realizing the benefits. you cannot expect results magically.

  • Dr.seema dhami

    Please LSP or SP dono k document share kar dijiye email se.

  • Shree

    I have performed lsp today.. I drank about 10 glasses of saline water 250ml each, 2 glasses at a time before performing the asanas. After drinking the last set I puked the whole water(puked last 500ml of water). I stopped the lsp process here. I did not observe any bowl moment in the whole lsp process. Is it okay not to get any bowl moment even once in the process?

    • Hello Shree, it is unusual not to get a bowel movement even after drinking 10 glasses of water. It is not a question of whether it is OK or not – that’s just the way it is. You may want to try again. If it doesn’t work, maybe you have a medical issue with your constipation and may need medical intervention. The fact that you threw up the water is a good sign as that practice is called “gaja karani” and is also a cleansing practice.

  • Arita

    After finishing LSP, whole day I have lower middle back pain. anything I am doing wrong?

  • Madhu

    Dear Subhash Ji,
    I have been following your very clear LSP instructions for a while now whenever I have some stomach issues.
    I wanted to know – if in the middle of the asanas, I feel the urge, do I then come back and complete the rounds left undone or do I leave the kriya for that day?
    Thanks and regards,

  • Arpan Srivastava

    Hello, I also have the constipation problem, and want to have a natural and ayurvedic way to get rid of that problem, kindly send me your email for documents for reference

  • Dr preeti

    Please send documents for reference

  • Usha Ravi

    Thanks Subhashji so much for your valued input & advise.

  • Usha Ravi

    Got your email with the links.
    Thanks Subhashji for your prompt response. I am a regular yoga practitioner. came across your blog accidentally. I do not have any bowel issues or any conditions related to it but wanted to try these practices to keep myself healthy . Have done the LSP for the last two days now. Just one round each day. I am happy with just one round. Do i need to do more till i finish the 6 glasses of water or can i just continue doing just one round with 2 to 3 glasses of water everyday?
    Thanks a ton for your valuable time to respond & advise me on this aspect of Yoga.

  • Usha Ravi

    Dear sir,
    I am interested in learning more about the LSP & ,SP Can you please email me the documents.
    Thank you !

  • Van Nguyen

    I have tried LSP twice but needed to do enema each time because I did not have bowel movement. Will practice everyday with normal water before getting back to salted water again.
    Thank you very much Mr Subhash.

  • sonal dubey

    Thank you for the detailed explanation.
    Can you please mail me the documents.

  • Radhika

    Hi Subhash, I missed adding that my husband has started on LSP ( we have decided to keep it to two days a week) and has begun responding to it. On non-LSP days, he drinks warm water infused with fresh ginger through the day, and his flatulence that sets in towards the evening has decreased a little.

  • Radhika

    I have just come out of the mandatory seven days after doing SP. This was my second experience of SP under the supervision of my yoga teacher. The last time I did it in autumn 2019, as a preparation for the major seasonal change in the offing, and it went off very well; I live in north India which has severe summers and winters, and my teacher had suggested SP as an excellent preparation for winter (India has an ancient tradition of preparing the mind and body in consonance with climatic changes, using a variety of techniques which include yoga, diet and meditation among others). I similarly wanted to repeat SP at the onset of the summer this year, but the total lockdown due to the pandemic kept my teacher away.

    While my teacher did speak to me about how to steer the aftermath of the seven days (as he had done the first time), I was additionally helped greatly this time round by a careful reading of the full and precise instructions contained in the documents that Subhash very kindly sent me ( thank you, Subhash). In fact I came across Subhash’s very useful website while recovering from the exhaustion of the SP.

    My experience of actually going through the SP was a success this time, too. I do not have any chronic health problems, nor constipation, and the whole business of drinking water infused with rock salt and lemon juice until only yellowish water started to come out, all the time accompanied by the yogic asanas in quick succession, followed by plain water which was excreted as white water, went through smoothly within the space of two to two and a half hours. But it was exhausting, and the withdrawal symptoms of not having drunk my usual cup of coffee brought on a severe headache. I had a shower and an hour later ate a meal of mushy khichdi cooked with a little turmeric, to which a lot of home-made ghee was added, along with a little salt. I continued with a khichdi-only with ghee and salt diet for the next three days as advised by my teacher. Each night I slept well, but did not do any yoga or physical exercise in the day as I continued to feel somewhat exhausted. The effort of keeping down the desire for tea and coffee didn’t help me feel better! And the very thought of more khichdi waiting for me at my next meal was becoming daunting! But by the time the fourth day came around, almost magically I woke up feeling perky, and the craving for tea/coffee had disappeared. Plain water did just fine. While I was not actively hungry, my two meals a day were now relaced by plain rice with ghee, eaten with a simple dal ( moong dal which is the most easily digestible) and some lightly cooked vegetable. Both dal and sabzi had only salt and turmeric added, and the sabzi was lagely steamed with a little ghee added). I gradually introduced papaya and tender coconut water. I was still eating very light, and was being very mindful about it. I was helped by the document Subhash sent me, which specifies which vegetables and fruits to avoid. I resumed some light asanas and pranayama in the morning and a gentle walk in the evening. By day seven, I was feeling a better version of my normal self and I could feel the stirrings of a healthy appetite. My diet continued to remain as before (minus khichdi!) but I added one wheat chappati with ghee at lunchtime, and the quantities I was able to eat at lunch increased a little. On day five, my hunger increased and I added a second chappati but realised that it felt heavy afterwards. So I returned to one chappati, but added to my range of vegetable dishes. Dinner was now a vegetable soup ( cooked with a little moong dal) and, if I felt like it, lightly steamed vegetable simply flavoured with salt.

    Although I have that week behind me now, and am back to my normal activities, I realise that I must not rush back into eating all the foods that I was used to, which were healthy alright but which must now be resumed in a more mindful and calibrated manner. I find myself treating my stomach with far greater respect than I ever did, and self restraint is becoming a cheerful habit. I feel once again revigorated, with a sense of greater wellbeing. I look forward to my next SP this autumn.

    • Hello Radhika, it is so nice of you to share your SP experience in such detail. Thanks a lot. Indeed, treating the stomach with respect is a great achievement in itself. That is what most of us lack. Keep enjoying the far-reaching benefits of the LSP and SP practices.

  • Is it useful to weight loss???

    • LSP does a good job of cleansing the colon and the stomach. After that, it is very important to eat light, nutritious food. For weight loss, proper diet and a regular regimen of yoga will be very helpful.

  • Radhika

    Thank you for your excellent article on LSP recounting your personal experience, and your truly wonderful and helpful website. I would be grateful to receive the links to the documents you refer to, relating to both SP and LSP. Thank you in advance.
    I have just yesterday successfully completed my second ever SP under the supervision of my yoga teacher ( it was while recovering from the exhaustion of it that I chanced upon your website). My husband (75), who suffers from chronic constipation and recent acute problems of bloating and discomfort – he also has high blood pressure – went through it with me but was unfortunately unable to see any results for the second time running. He did not get a single motion even after drinking all that warm water with salt and lemon juice. He is feeling quite demoralised. But your article about LSP gives hope. That is where I feel that reading the BSY documents might give me even greater clarity so I can help him achieve what you have been able to – daily practice resulting in comfortable management of constipation. Thank you again.

    • It is really unfortunate that the SP practice didn’t seem to work for your husband. That is quite unusual. Does he take any other form of laxative? As you mentioned, he should try LSP a few times and see if that helps.

  • Antil

    Hi sir, is it necessary to perform the process daily . I have constipation since 3 years. Plz suggest whether to do it daily or once would be suffice. Thank u

    • Hello Antil, the LSP practice can be done as often as necessary. My suggestion would be to start with once a week and see how effective it is. If needed, you can make it more frequent also. It is the SP (the full Shankha Prakshalan) practice that you should do maybe once or at most twice a year. In my own case, due to chronic constipation, I have been doing the LSP practice daily for the last many years.

  • Can I eat nonveg after practice of LSP. please reply

    • As per the text that I follow (Bihar School of Yoga), there are no major diet restrictions after LSP. My suggestion would be to wait at least a couple of hours after LSP before you consume anything heavy like meat.

  • Arira

    Very very useful article. Thanks .

  • Mansi Jain


    I find this article very useful and I salute you on the great work being done by you to the community, but am still in doubt please clarify and do send me the documents mentioned in the questions and answers for better clarification.

    LSP is drinking 2 glasses of luke warm salt water every cycle for 4 cycles @with 5 asanas
    SP is drinking 2 glasses of luke warm salt water every cycle for 8cycles
    @ cucle with 5 asanas

    Is my understanding correct or have I gotten confused?

    • Hello Mansi, in LSP, you repeat the cycle that you mentioned until you get the urge for a bowel movement. It may happen after 1 cycle or more. When you do the bowel movement, LSP is done. In SP, you continue the cycles and do repeated bowel movements until what comes out on the other end is clear, colorless water, identical to the one you drank. I am sending the links to the two docs via email.

    • Saisri

      Hi sir ,
      I have drank 1 litter of saline water and my bowel movement started immediately after 1 round and done 5 rounds. I ate kichdi with mild salt,jeera and,very mild pepper. What should be the further dietary instructions. Please let me know sir. Can we consume any nuts after the following days.

  • Vidushi

    I was a nice experience sir . But if I do laghu shabkhprakshalan worh salt water then what precautions should I take means what type of food should I eat and for how many days these precautions should I follow like I should take milk black pepper etc but for how many days because in shabkhpraksahlan it is 1 week . And one more thing sir because of bhujangasan my back is aching

    • Hello Vidushi, as per the text from the Bihar School of Yoga, there are no specific diet restrictions associated with LSP. Use your own judgement and body’s response to plan your meals. Yes, it is not uncommon to get some back pain with Bhujangasana. You may like to do a gentler version of the pose or skip it altogether for some time.

  • Anna

    Hi Subash and thank you souch for sharing!
    Can you send the documents on

    Thank u in advance!

  • Vidushi

    Sir can u please send me the link as I am doing all five asanas regularly 8 times each one round with plain water but my constipation is as it is

  • Teju

    Hello Sir,

    Please send me other docs. Also please tell me how to do this procedure with lemon instead of salt. How many lemons in 1 litre of water.


  • Sunil Arora

    Dear sir
    Please send complete process of LSP

  • Richa Sofat

    Hello sir thank u for such a detailed article. Request you to. Kindly. Send me the two documents u r referring to my email

    Thank yo for making good content

  • Matthew

    Hello Subhash,
    Thank you for your great article. I want to try SP. Would you pls send me your file?

  • Sami

    PS: I used a salty water in the concetration of 1 %. It would be helpful to give exact instructions on how much salt to put in the water, because maybe it’s about the concentration of the saline?

  • Sami

    Dear Subhash
    Thank you for the instructions.
    I did SP (full) one year ago, according to the bihar books. I had the problem of evacuating all of the salt water and I the body became very, very weak. It took around 10 days to recover.

    Yesterday I dit LSP (half), and I used your guidelines above. Although I followed very well the given instructions, again I have the same symptoms as last time:
    (Its 24 hours ago, since I finished LSP and already restarted my diet, with kichari as well as with normal, light food.)
    – very thirsty
    – lips are very dry
    – the salivate feels very salty
    – my body is completley exhausted, I am not able to do any phisical activities without a big effort
    – legs are feeling very heavy, walking is very strenuous, Lying in bed is the consequence
    – sleep tonight was restless
    – slight headache
    – negative mindset coming up
    – every thing is just very strenuous

    I am sure that the problem is, that there was a rest of salty water in the intestine, not coming out. I checked it with the fingers by pushing them into the belly and heard the sound of water moving in the intestine.
    I assume, the body had to get rid of the residual salty water by absorbing it. So therefore all the symptoms came. I just drank 1 liter of pure sweetwater and I might keep on going drinking e lot of Water to balance the salt overdose in the body.

    Do you have any experience like this? Is it normal after LSP? Is it normal that there is not coming all the water out of the body?

    Do you have any suggestion regarding this issue?

    Thank you and good luck

    • Hi Sami, your situation is highly unusual. As you can see, there is a large number of comments from the readers on this blog post. I haven’t seen this situation that you are describing with anyone else. I have a feeling that you have used too much of salt. As I have mentioned in the blog post, I practice LSP everyday due to my chronic situation with constipation and I am able to function normally with no side effects. I would recommend using only a very small amount of salt – no more than 3/4 of a teaspoon in your water (about 50 ounces). At this stage you just have to allow the system slowly to get back to normal. Keep drinking normal water, frequently in small doses. That may help cleanse the system.
      Wishing you all the best.
      Keep us updated with your situation.

      • Sami

        Dear Subhash. Thank you for the fast answer and your recommendations. I still feel very weak (very heavy legs, any physical actions still strenguous) now more than 2 days ago, but it’s getting better. Drinking pure water helps.
        You write above that you would use 3/4 of a teaspoon salt. For wich amount of water? for one cup of 2 dl or for 1 lt?
        Thank you and all the best

        • Hello Sami, glad to see that you are feeling better. As I mentioned below, I recommend 3/4 teaspoon in about 50 Oz. of water. That is really a small amount. Experiment with it first. Only if you need to, you can increase the quantity of salt slightly.


    Dear Subhashji,

    Thanks for this great article on SP & LSP.

    I am suffering from constipation and want to get rid of that.
    I have a little doubt in my mind – does the climate has any role to play in.
    Means can we perform SP and LSP in extreme Summers and winter’s.
    Do we need to have any precaution ?
    And can you please share the link of two documents for detailed guidance.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Wendy Morris

    Hi Subhash,

    Would you please send me the links to the documents on Shanka Prakshalana (SP) and Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP)?

    Thank you, Wendy

  • Ignas Cepulis

    Thank you 🙂

  • Chiara

    Thank you Subhash for this great article.

    It already helped me a lot in feeling more confident during my first experiences of LSP and SP.

    For additional guidance could you please send the links to the two documents?

  • Rena

    Thank you for the nice write up. I would love to learn the process of both the long and short practices of detox . Do send me by email.

  • Venu

    Thank you Subhash Ji for this article.

    Could you please send links to the two documents on Shanka Prakshalana (SP) and Laghu Shanka Prakshalana (LSP)?

  • Prudhvi

    Hi Subashji,

    First of all many thanks for spreading the great knowledge to all the people. I’m a yoga student. I did sankaprakshalana once. I want to practice LSP. I’m not sure about the diet as we went through rigorous diet for 12 days after Sankaprakshalana. Can you please forward me the docs to the email id I have provided.Many thanks in advance.

  • Divya jain

    Hi ! I did my first LSP and vomit everything . Infact I vommited many times In two hours . Pls advise is it ok to vomit or something wrong in my system .
    Thanks Divya

    • Hi Divya, no, it is not normal to vomit while practicing SP. The purpose of the five exercises is to progressively move the water down the colon tract so that bowel movement becomes easier.

  • Anshu

    I have been practicing LSP as prescribed by you for the past few day. First two days were very exhausting but soon I learned to adjust water and salt quantity. It has really helped me to relieve myself every morning.
    Thank you Subhashji for your article and guidance.

  • Anshu

    Subhashji, Thank you for your prompt reply. I am not a patient of severe constipation but I have a history of difficult physiology of my excretory system since my childhood. It often causes me severe headaches, gas.

    I do SP twice a year and I am aware of its impact on the body. It drains the energy out of the body especially that very day. SP does helps me for few days but the problem resurfaces despite me eating quite a healthy diet.

    I have two issues:
    – I drink 4 glasses of plain warm water everyday without fail but my problem still persists.

    – If we use salt water everyday, do I need to eat kichree or something with ghee everyday? I have read that ghee lubricates the intestinal (colon) lining which is eroded every time we use saline water in SP/ LSP.

    Would be glad to hear from you on this.

    • Hi Anshu, the book from the Bihar School of Yoga doesn’t say anything about having khichadi after LSP. In LSP, you do the practice only for one round. The amount of salt used is very small. I believe you can have your regular meal after LSP. If the problem persists, it may be an indication of a deeper medical issue and may need medical intervention.

  • Anshu

    Hello Subhashji. I like your article. Very good explanation. Except that I am worried about use of salt on daily basis and it’s effect in Colin health. Could you share your documents with me. Thanks

  • Prasad

    Thanks for this wonderful article… curious to know more about this practice.can you please send me additional resources available with you on SP and LSP practice..

    Thanks in advance..

  • Anneli


    I wounder what to eat during the LSP?
    Thank you for this information!

  • What should be he gap between two LSP

    • As per the text from the Bihar School of yoga, you can even do the LSP practice on a daily basis. Of course, you do it daily only if you are constipated. If you are doing it to maintain good overall health, you can do it once a week or even twice a month.

  • Sudha

    I had practised this before with regular salt water, but today after first round with one liter of salt water (senda), I did not get bowel movement. Then I did a second round again with over liter of water.
    When then after ,2-3 hrs no movement of bowel.
    Due to hunger after kichedi now.
    Why did this happen and what can be wrong

  • Sudha

    Hi I had practised lsp at Jindal naturo center few years back and also done it a couple of times later
    Today I had one liter of water with sends salt and still had no bowel movement
    So after a gap of one hour did one more round with another liter of salt water.
    Even after 2 hrs no bowel movement.
    Was very hungry. I ate kichedi without salt now
    Why did this happen. Hope will have no issues

  • Jharna

    My 65 yr old mother also wishes to do LSP. She has BP so I have advised her for little or no salt with water as per your article. However she has a major pains.on the left shoulder hence making it tonight to do Tiryaka Bhujangasana. Can you suggest either an alternative or can she skip this aasan completely?? Pls advise

  • Poornachandra Rao

    Thank you for ur prompt reply. For Prostate gland enlargement, asm doing asanas of pelvic region activation, such as Vakrasana, ardha mache darshana, badda konasana(butter fly) etc.,and Vrustasana. Now it’s slowing improving, but takes time. More so Khapala bati with bandhas

  • lily

    Hi subhashji great explanation. could you share your documents with me. Thanks .

  • Poornachandra Rao

    Namaste, am a new comer to your Blog and happy to share. The subject above of LSP is good for free motion, of course I did not have any such issues, as i am regular prectioner of Yoga.

    Can you suggest Asanas to clear enlargement of Prostate gland for me now 3.4 against normal of 4.

    • I don’t have any direct experience with yoga for prostate. From what I have seen in some literature, I believe practicing bandhas along with your pranayama could be helpful.

  • yp

    Hi I would like to try LSP. Can you please send me the documents? Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

  • Arita

    Hi Subhashji,
    While fruit fasting can do LSP? If I am not useing salt for LSP its not works for me.Now daily I am doing LSP with salt and I feel much lighter but can it become habbit?

  • Swagat

    Hi Subhash ji, what should one eat/drink after LSP? Also, is it ok to resume normal diet the next day?

  • arita

    Hi subhashji. I am doing daily laghu shankhprakshalana .and feel good. After finishing Lsp and yoga practice I drink strong tea ,is it ok or harmful for intestines?

  • Ankit

    Hi Subhash

    Thank, this is a great article. I have tried it a few times now and feel light and energized everytime. Please can you share detailed document referenced in comments above.


  • Raj

    Hi Subhash ji,

    Thanks for your detailed article on LSP .

    So far i have been doing the simple enema with lukewarm water once in week. i would like to ask, which one do you suggest LSP or Enema ?

    Can i still continue enema once in a week?


    • I suggest you give LSP a try. If it seems effective, then you don’t need to do the enema. LSP, in general, is more beneficial than the enema as it does a more thorough cleansing.

  • Madhu

    Thank you so much for links to the documents. I live in India, else would love to have participated in the 21 day session! All the best to you and the participants!

  • Madhu

    Hi again,
    Your site gives clear instructions but I notice that you have mentioned sending a link to the docs via email to some readers- what are these documents? Further details or further information? I would be happy to receive them too.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Salma

    I am a teacher and practicioner. It was recently suggested that I try SP. I was so happy to find your post. Can you send me these detailed instructions?

  • Nitin

    Sir i have been suffering from constipation and bloating for last 12 years. Throughout the day i feel bloated and stools are difficult to pass because of sticky stools. I have consulted many doctors and has even taken ayurvedic medicine from Baba Ramdev’s Yogpith , but no relief. I even run daily for 5 kms but still I suffer from chronic constipation. I have developed fistula in ano also . I think Laghu Shankaprakshalan kriya might help ….Please advice ,as you mentioned that you suffered from chronic constipation , whether it will help me …..

  • Madhu

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I am 67 years old and have also had a problem with constipation most of my life. My go-to remedy has been isabgol but now I find it takes 2 days of taking isabgol to have an effect!
    My question is – for LSP, should you sit( as you sit for kunjal?) or stand while drinking the water? I found 6 glasses very difficult to take in ( felt nauseous after 2). Whats the minimum one should drink?

    • I stand and drink water. For me that is most effective. If you are unable to drink more water at the same time, my suggestion is to drink one glass and do the first exercise. Then drink the second one and do the next exercise and so on. That way, with a slight gap, you should be able to consume at least 3-4 glasses. See if that works for you.

  • Mohini

    Hello sir,will u pl send the documents on LSP

  • Asha

    Very helpful article. Thanks. Can u send the links of 2 documents on sp and lsp

  • Pawan sharma

    Please provide me the detail of LSP.I like to practise it on regular basis. Presently I have been practising kunjal kriya for 8 years .can I do prnyam kapal bhaati after Lsp. I am a patient of chronic stomatitis. .yesterday I did SP .feeling well.

  • Ashka

    Thank you very much for such extensive and detailed descriptions. I will definitely try both LSP and SP.

  • Thank you for this wonderful and illuminating article. I am a yoga practitioner and teacher and would like to add this to my personal practice. May I receive the documents mentioned?

    This series seems almost like a condensed Pawanmuktasana III. Would you comment on the potential similarities? The twists are done standing instead of sitting, so it seems more accessible.

    Thank you!!!

    • Hi Christine, I’ll be sending the links via email. I did not think of the connection with PMA until you mentioned it. Not sure, why we need to make this connection. Just do it!

  • arita

    after finish Laghu Shankha Prakshalana can we do kunjal kriya immediately?


    I am a regular yoga practitioner. I would like to do LSP. Please send me via email the two documents you are mentioning to start practising LSP.
    Thanks and regards

  • Vipul

    Hi Subhash.

    Thanks for this great article. It’s very well written!

    However, I am a bit confused about the “lahhu” bit. I mean, this seems to be exactly the same as the “full” shankhaprakshalana.

    Could you please clarify what is the difference between the “full” and the “laghu” versions?

    The yoga texts that I have come across say that shankhaprakshalana should not be done very often because it depletes the colon of all gut flora. However, you say that you do it everyday!

    Also, I am wondering why you do it everyday. I was thinking that once the body is cleansed and it is up to speed, one shouldn’t need to do it everyday (even with plain water!)


    • Yes, in practice, both LSP and SP are similar. The main difference is that in LSP you go to the toilet only once and you are done. In SP, you need to keep repeating the process of drinking water, doing the set of 5 exercises and going to the toilet. You are done only when pure, clear water comes out on the other side. Because of the intensity of the practice, the SP should not be done too frequently – no more than twice a year in my understanding.
      In my case, I grew up with severe constipation. I was introduced to the LSP practice almost 20 years ago. Since then, in order to avoid constipation, I have been doing LSP on a daily basis. LSP does not pose any serious diet limitations. My body has adjusted to the practice over the years and gives me the desired result.

  • Deepti

    Does shankhaprakshalana needs to be done eight times each asana or 1 set of 5 asanas 8 times. Unclear from your description. Thanks

  • arita

    which text from the Bihar Schoo for Lsp ?

  • Isha Gupta

    Can u please share the details documnts of LSP and SP via email

  • Alen

    Is it ok to do the LSP while on a water fast? The intestine should be strong enough to process 1 to 2L of salt water without any food? Thank you.

  • Gene Delheye


    Is it necessary to eat the kicheree after lsp.
    I would like to start a waterfast right after lsp but don’t know if that is recommended since the intestinal lining is (partially)washed away with lsp

    • No, it is not necessary to eat khichadi after lsp. I am sending you via email the two documents. Please review these docs and follow the diet guidelines as indicated.

      • Gene Delheye


        Most docs on SP recommend either Celtic seasalt or pink Himalayan salt,yet some people use Epsom salt (( magnesium sulfate) wich to my knowledge has a laxative effect.
        Is it advisable to use Epsom salt on its own or in a small addition to the Celtic/Himalayan salt or should does it not have its place in the practice of SP/LSP

        • Hi Gene,
          I am really not familiar with pros and cons of the various types of salt mentioned. In the text from the Bihar School, which is the one that I reference, all it says is to use salt. I have been using regular table salt to good effect.

      • Brijesh

        Hello sir
        Why r u practicing it since last 15 years. Is your problem of constipation not cured after doing all d yoga and pranayamas and kal. I personally think 15 years is such a long period to conto with map.

  • Krishna

    Dear Sir,

    Thanks for posting such an informative article.. I have a question for you.. You said you did it everyday.. How did you manage with food.. In Laghu SP, they say you need to eat kichdi after that with Ghee.. did you have it everyday like that? how about lunch? Can you please let us know on food requirements?


  • Jitendra Singh

    Namaste Subhash Sir!

    I am a yoga asanas Practitioner and I’ve not practiced the LSP and SP and as I read your blogs, your advice, your YouTube channels; they are so clear and easy graspable to take in practice in day to day life. May I know if it is okay to practice LSP and SP myself at home. Is there any special foods to take in after LSP and SP.
    And, May I equest you to share the detailed document or links on LSP and SP.
    Thanks a lot for your informative and knowledgeable blogs and posts. We are so benefited as it seems like compassionate service from God to mankind who is looking for help from kind and compassionate people like you.

    Jitendra Singh

    • Thanks, Jitendra, for your kind note. Yes, you can practice LSP and SP on your own. You must, however, strictly follow the guidelines provided in the documentation for these practices. I am sending you the two docs via email.

  • Natalie

    I’m looking online for a teacher or expert in shanka Prakshalana and am unable to find anyone in the US. I find it hard to believe I can’t find someone … any ideas, names, or suggestions? I’d rather have someone who knows what they’re doing around the first time … ? Thanks

  • Dev

    Hi Subhash,


    what is the difference in number of repetitions between LSP and complete ShankhPrakshalana.If LSP done daily, wont it impact the colon due to Salt Water. Kindly let me know.

    Warm Regards,

    • Dear Dev, LSP is done only once and SP involves multiple rounds of LSP until what comes out is clear water. You may want to consult the documents for LSP and SP for details. The document also provides the rationale for adding salt to the water. I don’t believe a small amount of salt can impact the colon. The book does recommend the use of salt and also mentions that LSP can be done daily.

      • Dev

        Dear Subhash,

        Request you to share the document on LSP and SP.How much salt should be added for LSP like for one liter water how much salt.

        Devendra Sinha

        • Hello Dev,
          I am sending the links for the two docs via email. For one liter of water, you may add about one teaspoon of salt. It should not feel too salty – just mildly so. Adjust the amount if needed.

          • Dev

            Dear Subhash,

            Thanks a lot for the document you shared and for this wonderful site.Your suggestions really did wonders for me.I started practicing with Saline water and after 15-20 days moved on to plain Luke warm water which is also working fine.

            I must say I got a new life.

            Just a small query, is that fine if I increase water intake from 1 liter to 2 and number of rounds from one to two.

          • Hi Dave, it is OK to increase the water intake and the number of rounds, but do so only if necessary. If you are getting good results now, why do you want to change?

  • I am reproducing below the comment received from Louise Du Toit via email:
    I did my first laghu shankhaprakshalana this morning (even though you sent it to me nearly 4months ago)…Drinking the salt water was easy, though I found by the last glass I was rather full. I found it very challenging to do the asanas after drinking each round of salt water, it felt like at times I was going to throw up(esp 2nd round), although I didnt. I also felt very hot and flushed from the warm salty water combined with the ansans physical exercise. I didnt need to go to the toilet immediately after my third round. It took about a further 20 mins before I had my first movement, and I was still going to the toilet ‘now and then’ an hour or so later. The bowl movements were very gentle and unforced and were very watery esp towards the end. I have since drunk 2 cups of black chai tea and and a glass of water. I havent eaten anything yet, but had a fermented tumeric probiotic.

    I was surprised at how long it took for me to process all the salt water and was surprised at how uncomfortable I felt, I underestimated the challenge. It made me begin to comprehend how physically exhausting SP must be and I would certainly only consider doing it under supervision at a ashram or at a retreat.

    I feel much lighter now and am happy to have completed my first LSP – before today I thought it would be a good practice once a week, but now that I have gone through the process, I might consider once a month. (however, now that I know what to expect from the experience, subsequent times may be better)

    I am sure that I will be reaping the benefits of this LSP in the days to come.

  • Namasthe,

    Clear explanations of the process of colon cleanse. I use warm water with lemon (sometimes honey as well) and it works well.

    Thank you
    Hari OM



    I am a South African.

    Thank you for this help really will try this process.

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