In this post, I would like to get back to the practice of asana and discuss one of the very commonly practiced asanas called Veerabhadrasana (वीरभद्रासन) or the Warrior Pose and its three variations. This is a powerful and energizing pose, especially useful for strengthening the leg and thigh muscles.
Veerabhadra was […]
Natarajasana (Dancer’s Pose)
Nataraja (nata means a dancer and raja means the king or the lord), king-dancer, is the name of Lord Shiva (one of the trinity of Hindu gods – Shiva, Vishnu, and Brhma). In addition to being the dissolver of the universe, Shiva was also the Lord of dance and […]
Several months ago I received an email from the programs coordinator at Yogaville that they were looking for volunteers to staff many of their upcoming workshops. I thought this would be a great opportunity to spend a weekend at my yoga "alma mater" and also attend the workshop. So, I sent in my preference for […]
Garudasana (गरà¥à¤¡à¤¾à¤¸à¤¨) is so called because in the final pose it resembles the shape of an eagle, the hands representing the beak of the eagle. In Indian mythology, Garuda was the vehicle that carried Lord Vishnu through the celestial realms.
(click on the blue arrow for audio instructions)
Start in […]
With this post, we will begin discussion of some of the balancing poses that are commonly practiced. We will start with the Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) (वृकà¥à¤·à¤¾à¤¸à¤¨) which is one of the most commonly practiced one-leg balancing poses. Here are some of the benefits that are common to all one-leg balancing poses.
Develop better […]
Matsyasana (मत्स्यासन)) or the Fish Pose is an excellent back bending pose. It is usually practiced as a counter pose for a forward-bending pose or the Shoulder Stand (Sarvanagasana). However, the pose has excellent benefits and can be practiced alone as well. In Sanskrit, the word "matsya" means fish. It is believed that […]
This is a continuation of the discussion of the simple stretches that can help relieve back pain.
Step-by-Step Instructions Downward Facing Dog (Adhomukha-shvanasana)
Start in the child pose with the arms stretched out in front Inhale in place. With the next exhalation, curl the toes under, pressing down with the toes, lift […]
In today’s post, I am going to present some simple poses that can help relieve back pain. Back pain, especially pain in the lower back, is perhaps the single most common reason why people seek medical attention. This is also the most common cause why people come to me for help through yoga. On a […]
We will continue our discussion of the headstand (शीर्षासन) and work on two variations in which we use the hands instead of the forearms for support. This pose puts a little extra pressure on the head and the arms as compared to the traditional pose described earlier.
Preparation for the asana […]
In a previous article, we talked about one of the commonly practiced inverted poses called Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). In today’s article, I am going to discuss another very important inverted pose – Shirshasana – (शीर्षासन) – (headstand). In many yoga texts, shirshasana has been described as "the king of asanas", perhaps due to […]
Video DVD
Yoga with Subhash (asana and pranayama)
- Basic asana sequence (~50 min) ($18)
- Pranayama/Meditation (~35 min) ($12)
- Set of above two ($25)
Video recording of special programs offered in the past
(Links to YouTube videos will be provided)
- 21-day yoga immersion - $40
- 7-day hip opening intensive - $20
- 14-day meditation intensive - $30
- 14-day pranayama intensive - $30
- 7-day hamstring/quad intensive - $20
- 14-day Level 2 yoga intensive - $35
Payment options:
- cash, check, Zelle (use subhashmittal@gmail.com) or Venmo (use 9199269717)
- PayPal (go to bottom of page) (add $5 to the fee listed above)
Please contact me if you would like to buy.
Recent Posts
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
Recent Posts
Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, March 24 – April 13, 2025
FREE session on Intro to Mediation, Sunday, Feb 23, 6-7:30 PM (EST)
Intro to Sanskrit for yogis, 3 weekly sessions, March 2,9,16
Bharadwajasana, spinal twist
FREE class – focus on Pranayama, Sunday, Jan 12
Samskaras: deep subconscious level imprints that shape our lives
Free yoga session, focus on Pranayama and Meditation
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