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Relieve Lower Back Pain with the Reclining Twist

Lower back pain is perhaps the single most commonly mentioned reasons why people join yoga classes. There are several yoga poses that are recommended for taking care of lower back pain – for example, Marjarasana (cat & cow), Pawanamuktasana (wind-relieving pose), Balasana (child pose), all twisting poses etc. One of the poses that […]

Marichyasana (Sage Pose)

Marichyasana (मरीच्यासन) is named after the sage Marichi (not sure why!). The word Marichi (मरीचि) literally means a ray of light. As per the Hindu mythology, Marichi was the son of Brahma and chief of the Maruts (also called vayu or wind-gods). He’s one of the seven (sometimes 10 or 12) sages (rishis) […]

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)

In most of the poses that we have discussed so far, the spine gets alternately stretched forward and backward. These poses included back bending poses in the lying down position (Locust, Bow, Cobra), forward bending poses in the seated position (Head-to-knee pose, full forward bend) and standing position (Sun Salutation sequence). In our discussion today, […]