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Shaucha (Cleanliness)

After discussing the five Yamas over the last several posts, let us now shift our attention to the five Niyamas – shaucha (cleanliness), santosha (contentment), tapas (austerity), svadhyaya (study of scriptures) and Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to Ishvara, the supreme, perfect being). In today’s post I will be focusing on the first of five niyamas, Shaucha (शौच), as given by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.

The word shaucha is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘shuch’ which means to cleanse or purify. Shaucha thus means cleanliness or purity.

When we talk of cleanliness, it implies both external and internal purity.

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Yoga Retreat with Subhash – Spring 2012

Lakulish ashram

I would like to invite you for a Spring yoga retreat in the beautiful rural setting in Mebane, NC. At this retreat you will be able to slow down and experience yourself at a deeper level, nourished and supported by the beauty of natural surroundings. You will be able to deepen your personal yoga practice and develop an understanding of the underlying concepts in yoga in an ashram setting under the guidance of Subhash Mittal. Subhash is a long-time yoga practitioner and a dedicated yoga teacher who has been teaching yoga since 1996. Subhash brings the best out of the traditional, ancient yoga teachings and weaves these teachings in the practice of asana, pranayama, meditation and relaxation leading to a fulfilling and enriching life experience.

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Aparigraha (Non-hoarding)

Defining Aparigraha

The word ‘aparigraha’ (अपरिग्रहः) is derived from the root word ‘grah’ which means to hold or grab something. Adding the prefix ‘pari’ alters the meaning only slightly to mean ‘hold onto something’. Adding the second prefix ‘a’ negates the meaning of the word and thus ‘aparigraha’ is variously translated as ‘non-hoarding’ or ‘non-possessiveness’, non-indulgence’ or ‘non-greed’ etc. This is the fifth of the five Yamas that we have been talking about so far.

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21-day Yoga Challenge, March 5-25, 2012

The next 21-day yoga challenge is scheduled for March 5-25, 2012. Join me for this exciting yoga journey that will bring about a positive transformation in your life. Whether you are brand new to yoga or are a seasoned practitioner, this program will bring the discipline in your life that you can sustain for the rest of your life.

Here are the particulars for the July session:

  • When: Monday, March 5- Sunday, March 25, 2012
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
  • Where: Kalasrishti – 3000 Bearcat Way, Suite 112, Morrisville, NC 27513 (off Aviation Parkway – the studio is located on the back side of the last building in the complex)
  • Commitment:
    • A firm commitment to complete the program without missing a day (except in an emergency).
    • At the end of the program, continue the same practice at home for another 21 days to make it a life-long habit
  • Cost: $125

You may like to visit the testimonials page on my website to see what some of the previous participants have to say about this program.

Please contact me if you would like to participate.

Get all the details here…

My experience with Shankhaprakshalan (Deep Colon cleanse)

It was almost a year ago when I decided that I should attempt the full ‘colon cleansing’ technique called "shankhaprakshalana" (SP). I heard about this technique almost fifteen years ago when I was trying to find a yogic way to help me with my constipation problem.

When I look back, I recall that I had been dealing with constipation right from my school days. In those days I used to drink one or two cups of tea first thing in the morning to help me with bowel movement. Sometimes even after two cups of tea I would have to wait about a half hour before the tea would have its effect.

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Recipes – Granola Crumble and Quinoa Pulao

Here are two more recipes for dishes that we enjoyed at the potluck breakfast at the end of the last 21-day yoga challenge.

  1. Granola Crumble
  2. Quinoa Pulao

Granola Crumble

(contributed by Prakash Bhave)

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Recipes – Banana Bread/Caponata

At the end of the last 21-day yoga challenge program, as per our tradition, all the participants got together over a potluck breakfast. These breakfast get-togethers provide a great opportunity for everyone to socialize and meet each other in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Moreover, we all get to sample some of the most delicious veggie dishes that everyone shares. Here are the recipes for two of the many delicious dishes that we enjoyed that day. I would like to express my gratitude to Joanne Healey and Pat McElroy for sharing these recipes.

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Brahmacharya (Austerity)

Brahmacharya is perhaps one of the more difficult of the yamas to understand as well as to discuss and explain. In a very traditional sense, brahmacharya means strict sexual control or total celibacy. In India, when a person takes a vow to never get married, he is referred to as a "brahmachari".

The well-known rishi Yajnavalkya says, "Brahmacharya is abstaining from all kinds of Maithuna or sexual enjoyment for ever, in all places and in all conditions, physically, mentally and verbally. "

The word is composed of two words, "brahma" and "charya". Brahma literally means the supreme consciousness and "charya" means to "live in" or "get established in". In this sense Brahmacharya would mean "to get fully established in the divine consciousness". That seems like an immensely difficult goal to achieve since that is the ultimate goal of all yoga practices. So, it is generally believed that Patanjali meant to use this term in its more practical understanding of "total abstinence" or celibacy.

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Parshvottanasana – Standing Side Stretch

intense side stretch

Parshvottanasana (पार्श्वोत्तानासन) (standing side stretch) is a beginning to intermediate level pose which is great for the health of the legs as well as the spine. It provides an excellent stretch for the entire back side of the legs, hamstrings in particular.

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New Year Greetings!

As we come to the end of calendar year 2011, I would like to extend my good wishes to you and your family for a healthy and joyous 2012 ahead. As I look back, the year 2011 has been a good one for me, my family and most importantly for the yoga classes that I teach. Indeed,  I have much to be grateful for. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my students who have continued to support and encourage me through their participation in the various yoga programs that I offer. In particular, the early morning programs – the 21-day yoga challenge and the Pranayama/Meditation Intensive – have been very well received by all those who attended these programs.

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