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Surya Namaskara Sadhana, March 20-26, 2023

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

7-day Surya Namaskar Sadhana intensive

I am pleased to announce a morning intensive – “Surya Namaskar Sadhana”. You can join the program online via zoom or in-person at my home studio.

  • Program: Surya Namaskar Sadhana Intensive
  • In-person: At my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Zoom access: The link to access via zoom will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment.
  • When: Monday, March 20 – Sunday, March 26, 2023
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM (US East Coast time, EST)
  • Program Fee:
  • Daily routine
    • Light stretching
    • 12 rounds of Surya Namaskara with mantra chanting
    • Yoga Nidra
    • Pranayama
    • Brief meditation
  • To register: please fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields, and submit it online. 

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Shreyas (desirable) or Preyas (pleasurable) – choice is ours!

In our day-to-day life, we are always presented with various alternatives to choose from. For example, in terms of food, we are often confronted with having to choose between food that tastes great but is known to be unhealthy (let’s say French Fries and coke) and a healthy, home-cooked veggie dish which we may not find tasty enough. Similarly, in order to maintain a healthy body and mind, we may commit ourselves to a regular, daily yoga routine early in the morning. When the alarm goes off in the morning, we are confronted with having to choose between staying in the warm, comfortable bed a little longer or making the unpleasant choice of jumping out of bed to practice yoga. 

As we know, we are always faced with similar situations in every aspect of our life, be it work, family, shopping, planning a vacation etc. More often than not, we end up making a choice that is pleasing but not necessarily desirable versus another alternative that may be highly desirable but not pleasing. For the most part we prefer something that is pleasing to one of the five senses – hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell. Choosing pleasant over the desirable may provide instant gratification but can cause incurable harm in the long run. We all know how, by choosing to consume food that is pleasant but otherwise unhealthy, we can end up getting all kinds of serious ailments like high BP, diabetes, cancer etc. 

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21-day Yoga Immersion, Feb 13 – Mar 5, 2023

Tip-toe balance

21 days to Transformation

I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Yoga Immersion program. The past programs have been very well received by all the participants. For most of them, it has been truly a life-transforming experience. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding 21-day yoga journey.

You can download the 21-day Yoga Immersion flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists. 

No prior asana, pranayama or meditation experience is required.

You can participate in the program online via zoom or in-person at my home studio.

  • What: 21-day yoga immersion
  • When: Monday, February 13 – Sunday, March 5, 2023
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM (US East Coast time, EST)
  • In-person participation: at my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Zoom Access:  Login info will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment 
  • Instructor: Subhash Mittal
  • Fee:
  • To register: Fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields, and submit it online
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14-day Pranayama intensive, Jan 9-22, 2023

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

I am pleased to announce the next Pranayama intensive. In this program, we will be practicing some of the main pranayama techniques given in our ancient yoga texts. I will also discuss the underlying concepts in the practice of pranayama and all the wonderful benefits that the practice can bring us.

You can join the program either online via zoom or in person at my home studio.

You can view/download the program flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists. 

A brief outline of what I plan to cover in the course is given in this document (pdf format) in my dropbox folder.

No prior yoga (asana, pranayama or meditation) experience is required.

Progaram details:

  • What: 14-day pranayama intensive
  • When: Monday, January 9 – Sunday, January 22, 2023
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM (US East Coast time, EST)
  • In-person participation:  At my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Zoom access: The link to access via zoom will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment.
  • Fee:  
  • Instructor: Subhash Mittal
  • Daily Routine: Light stretching (10-15 minutes), Pranayama practice (45 min), Relaxation (15 min), Yoga philosophy/meditation (15 min)
  • Commitment: A firm commitment to follow this schedule and attend every day
  • To register: fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields, and submit it online

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Have you visited my Youtube channel?

Tip-toe balance

As you may be aware, the three important components of yoga practice are asana, pranayama and meditation. The most important text that is normally referred to as authority on these practices is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It lists several asana, pranayama and meditation practices. However, over time, as yoga has gained global acceptance and popularity, many new techniques and practices have been added. In the Integral Yoga style of yoga that I practice and teach, there is a basic sequence that forms the core of the practice. As one becomes comfortable with the basic routine, one can start adding more variations to the basic set and also more new practices.

To derive maximum benefit from your yoga practice, it is important that you establish a home-based practice of your own. To help you develop your home practice, I offer two resources – my yoga blog and the youtube channel. Over the years, I have written blog posts on all the basic asana and pranayama techniques and short sequences that I teach in my classes. In addition, for most of these articles, I have also provided a link to the corresponding video demonstration on youtube.

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7-day “hip opener” yoga intensive, Dec 12-18, 2022

Kapotasana (pigeon pose)

7-day “hip opener” yoga intensive

I am pleased to announce a new morning intensive in which we will focus on hip opening yoga asanas. You can participate in the program online via zoom or in-person at my home studio.

You can view and download the flyer here.

  • Program: 7-day “hip opener” yoga intensive
  • In-person: at my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Zoom access: The link to access via zoom will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment.
  • When: Monday, December 12 – Sunday, December 18, 2022
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:30 AM (US East Coast time, EST)
  • Program Fee:
    • $65 – cash, check, Zelle (use or Venmo (use 9199269717)
    • $70 – paypal (go to bottom of page)
  • Instructor: Subhash Mittal
  • To register: please fill out the registration form , providing information in all the fields, and submit it online. 
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Essential message of Bhagavad Gita (part 3)

Arjuna and Krishna

Major themes in the Gita

As mentioned previously, the Gita, in its 18 chapters and 700 verses, discusses many different concepts that can help develop a better understanding of our true nature and eventually lead to self-realization. Below I am presenting some of the key themes that are discussed in the Gita.

Actively resist evil

Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that he has to fight the war to root out evil in the form of the evil actions being done by the Kauravas. The Kauravas refused to play a fair game by not giving the Pandavas their fair share of the Kingdom when they returned from their 13-year long exile. The war became inevitable when all efforts to prevent the war and reach an amicable solution were thwarted by the Kauravas. Of course, Arjuna, in his weak moments decides to lay down the arms as he did not want to kill his own kith and kin. That is when Krishna tells Arjuna that it is his “dharma” to fight since the Kauravas represent evil in the society and thus must be rooted out. Here is Arjuna’s last effort to tell Krishna that there is no purpose served by fighting this war:

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Essential message of Bhagavad Gita (part 2)

Arjuna’s dilemma

In part 1 of the article, we looked at the historical background and the events that lead to the Kurukshetra war. As we saw, Arjuna, on seeing all his relatives, cousins, teachers, elders etc. across the battle line, refuses to fight and lays down his bow and arrow. He feels despondent and dejected and finally requests Krishna to show him the right path:

Arjuna seeks Krishna’s guidance

“I am totally confused about what my duty is, I have lost my mental balance and unable to decide what is right and wrong, and am feeling weak. As your disciple, I request you to please guide me and tell me with certainty as to what is best for me.” (Gita 2.7)

The message of Gita begins with verse 11, Chapter 2. The rest of the Gita is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna wherein Krishna unfolds the “wisdom of life”. Of course, the main thrust of Krishna’s message is to convince Arjuna that, being a member of the warrior class (kshatriya), it is his duty to fight the war to uphold dharma and root out evil. In the course of his message, Krishna talks about a large number of topics related to life, death, the soul, our duty in life, how to attain salvation and many more.

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21-day Yoga Immersion, Level 2, Oct 31 – Nov 20, 2022

Mayurasana (Peacock)

I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Level 2 Yoga Immersion program. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding yoga journey.

Please note the class duration will be an hour and 45 minutes.

You can participate in the program online via zoom or in-person at my home studio.

You can download the 21-day Yoga Immersion flyer here. Feel free to share it with your own distribution lists. 


  • An ongoing yoga practice including asana and pranayama.
  • Ability to practice basic asanas and asana sequences like Surya Namaskara etc.

Program Info:

  • What: 21-day yoga immersion, Level 2
  • When: Monday, Oct 31 – Sunday, Nov 20, 2022
  • Time: 6:00 AM – 7:45 AM (US East Coast time)
  • In-person participation: at my home studio located at 206 Redwood Park Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560
  • Zoom Access:  Login info will be provided upon receipt of registration and payment 
  • Instructor: Subhash Mittal
  • Fee:
  • To register: Fill out the registration form, providing information in all the fields, and submit it online
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Essential Message of Bhagavad Gita (part 1)

Two texts that are considered essential reading for a serious student of yoga are the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. You can read a basic introduction to the yoga sutras on my blog here. In the present article, I’ll be presenting the essential message of the Bhagavad Gita.

Charioteer Krishna and Arjuna

Bhagavad Gita is a part of a large epic text called the Mahābhārata. Mahābhārata and Ramāyaṇa are two of the very significant epic texts in India. Most of the current social fabric of modern India is largely weaved around the message conveyed through the pages of these two texts. Even though a precise date as to when the Mahābhārata was written is not available, most historians tend to put the date around 3000 BCE. The text was written by Veda Vyasa and the scribe for the text is believed to be Lord Gaṇesha. It is known to be the longest epic poem written comprising of 100,000 verses.

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