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Below is a list of the pranayama techniques that have been discussed on this blog. Please click on the appropriate link to get all the details. Please note that the techniques are listed alphabetically based on their Sanskrit names.

  1. Agni-sara and nauli – deep cleansing – part of the six cleansing practices
  2. Bandhas (Energy Locks) – three locks – Mula Bandha (root lock), Uddiyana Bandha (navel lock) and Jalandhara Bandha (chin lock) – applying while holding the breadh
  3. Bhastrika (Bellows breath) Pranayama – both inhalation and exhalation are forced, brisk and energetic.
  4. Bhramari (humming bee) pranayama – deep breathing with a humming bee sound during exhalations; hand gesture in the Shanmukhi Mudra
  5. Deep Sectional Breathing – breathing deep into differnt parts of the lungs
  6. Deep Three-part Yogic Breathing – deep breathing engaging the entire lung capacity
  7. Emotions and pranayama – how different breathing techniques can impact you emotionally
  8. Jala neti (nasal rinse with saline water) one of the six cleansing techniques (shat-karma)
  9. Kapalabhati (skull-shining) pranayama  – short, brisk and forced exhalations followed by natural, passive inhalations
  10. Kapalabhati with bandhas – three bandhas at the end of the kapalabhati sequence
  11. Kumbhaka (Breath Retention) – general concepts
  12. Nadi sanchalana – rapid breathing – soft, even, fast breathing
  13. Nadi shuddhi – Alternate nostril breathing (aka Anuloma- viloma) – deep, soft, Ujjayi breaths through alternate nostrils
  14. Pranayama – basic concepts
  15. Pranayama variables Patanjali’s guide to building pranayama practices/li>
  16. Sama-vritti (square wave) pranayama equal duration – inhale, hold, exhale, hold
  17. Sectional breathing (vibhagiya pranayama) Breathing into three sections of the lungs – upper, middle and lower
  18. Shat-karma – six cleansing practices in Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  19. Sheetali and Sitkari Cooling and calming breathing techniques
  20. Six basic pranayama practices kapalabhati, bhastrika, ujjayi pranayama, rapid breathing, bhramari, nadi shuddhi.
  21. Surya bhedi and chandra bhedi pranayama – surya bhedi (right nostril) activates the Pingala nadi, chandra bhedi (left nostril) activated Ida nadi
  22. Udgitha pranayama Continuous OM chanting as pranayama/li>
  23. Ujjayi breathing and Ujjayi pranayama – deep three-part breathing during inhalation, holding the breath and applying the chin lock and the root lock, then exhaling deep three-part breath through the left nostril.

I would love to receive any feedback that you might have.

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