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21-day Yoga, June 2010 – Summing Up

The second 21-day yoga challenge program concluded successfully on Saturday, June 26. It is quite remarkable that all the 15 participants kept their commitment to come in every morning at 6 AM for the entire 21 days. A few students who missed a day or two had to do that due to circumstances beyond their control – a sudden emergency at work/home, health problems etc.

On the last day we had a session where we shared our individual experience during the program. Here is a summary of what the participants shared:

  • Most found it difficult to  wake up early during the first few days of the program. However, gradually, getting up early became more natural as time went by.
  • Many of them enjoyed the gentle pace of the routine each day.
  • Even though we maintained the same basic routine (based on the Integral Yoga program) every day, we practiced several variations of the poses or some new poses every day. The participants really enjoyed the variety and the structure of the program.
  • Most expressed improvement in flexibility, strength etc which are usually associated with a regular yoga program.
  • Most of them bought my video DVD of a typical session. They are planning to use it to keep the commitment to continue their individual practice for at least 21 more days.
  • There was one suggestion that I need to spend more time on meditation. In particular, while going through the guided meditation related to ‘sense withdrawal (pratyahara)’ , it would be helpful if I could spend more time focusing on individual senses.
  • Many enjoyed the introduction of the Five Tibetan Rites which we practiced on a couple of occasions.
  • Many found the discussion of yoga philosophy very helpful

I was personally delighted to see the enthusiasm and energy of all the participants throughout the program. Their appreciation and joy of attending the program was obvious at the two breakfast sessions that we had following the class. During these breakfast sessions, we truly enjoyed the variety of healthy, vegetarian food that everyone brought to share with all.

Given the very positive and encouraging response from the students, I plan to continue to offer these programs on a periodic basis. If you are interested in attending a future program, or would like more information, please do contact me.

8 comments to 21-day Yoga, June 2010 – Summing Up

  • Kavitha Chemparathy

    It was a great experience. I was able to keep up the home practice for the past 2 days. Thank you very much.

  • admin

    Thanks, Kavitha. I hope you will be able to maintain the practice for a much longer time. I hope your back will begin to feel better. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Joyce Bowden

    I the style of this yoga, and enjoyed being with all of the others who signed up for it. I believe there has been a change in the holding pattern of my right hip. Before that, after one week, the corresponding knee which had been hurt for six months became much better and less constricted. I think it was the combination of asana and pranayama and yoga nidra/meditaiton on a consistent basis. The yoga philosophy was most welcome. Thank you Subhash, I will look forward to taking more yoga challenges on the future.

  • Kavitha Chemparathy

    I had a blood work done to check my thyroid function after the challenge; and my doctor just called and reduced my Thyroid medication. I am going down from 150 mcg to 125 mcg medication. Thank you very much for teaching all those Pranayama techniques; Doctor suspects that might be the reason. I have another test scheduled in 6 weeks to confirm.

    • admin

      Dear Kavitha, this is indeed very encouraging. Thanks for sharing this valuable information about your thyroid medication. I certainly hope that you will continue with your home practice so the thyroid medication will not only stabilize, but hopefully go down even further. Wish you all the best.

  • Preeti

    Namaste Subhashji! Its been almost a month since I finished the 21-day yoga challenge program, and I am happy to report that I have been able to adhere to the practice. Although, I find that I have forgotten some of the postures that we did in class, specially the ones that we didn’t get to repeat too often, I am able to follow the usual sequence, along with the few variations I remember. I feel that my flexibility has improved considerably, both with respect to stretching deeper and being able to hold poses for longer. I also do the Tibetan rites every now and then, when I feel the practice is getting monotonous. Although, I have missed few days, here and there this last month, both due to commitments at home, and my own inherent laziness, I can say that I have been fairly regular and feel great about it. Some of the pranayama techniques we discussed in class feel hazy now…except for bhastrika, nadi suddhi and kapalabati that I practice regularly. A recap write-up (or a link if you already have) will be very helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you once again for the wonderful session…I enjoyed it thoroughly and continue to do so at home.

    • admin

      Dear Preeti, It is so wonderful to hear back from you. I am so pleased to see that you have been able to maintain your yoga routine and plan to continue in the future as well. As for pranayama, please visit this page for instructions on some of the basic techniques. I will be adding instructions for more techniques over the next few months.

      All the best.

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