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Trataka (Candle Gazing) Cleansing Technique

Trataka (त्राटक) is one of the six cleansing techniques mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the classical text on the practices of Hatha Yoga. The six techniques are: Neti (nasal cleansing), Basti (yogic enema), Dhauti (digestive tract and intestinal cleansing), Kapalabhati (breathing technique involving forced, short bursts of exhalation), Nauli (abdominal churning) and […]

My experience with Shankhaprakshalan (Deep Colon cleanse)

It was almost a year ago when I decided that I should attempt the full ‘colon cleansing’ technique called "shankhaprakshalana" (SP). I heard about this technique almost fifteen years ago when I was trying to find a yogic way to help me with my constipation problem.

When I look back, I recall that I […]

Detox with Fasting

In early 2006, while I was attending the 2-month yoga philosophy course at the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, India, one of the teachers gave us a talk on fasting – its techniques, benefits etc. Even though fasting is a common practice in the Indian culture, I had never considered fasting prior to this talk. Skipping […]

Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows breath)

If you recall, in the Kapalabhati pranayama, the emphasis is only on exhalation which is forced, short and brisk. The inhalation is passive and natural. During exhalation we also force the belly in toward the spine in a quick movement. In contrast, in the Bhastrika pranayama, both inhalation and exhalation are forced. Moreover, movement of […]

21-Day Yoga Immersion

Some time ago, I received an email asking me to join a 30-day yoga challenge program. I did a quick search on Google for something like "30-day yoga challenge" or just "yoga challenge", and I came across a large variety of yoga challenge programs being offered. Most of these programs entail making a […]

Yoga for Eye Care, a 7-step Program

A few years ago, I attended a workshop on "yoga and eye care" taught by one Dr. Khare who was visiting from India. The workshop presented a pretty comprehensive set of practices for improving/stabilizing vision. Part of the information was based on the book, "Better Eyesight without Glasses" by William Bates. This book came out […]

Jala Neti (Nasal Irrigation with Saline Water)

In the ancient text on the practice of Yoga, "Hatha Yoga Pradeepika", six cleansing techniques have been prescribed: Neti: nasal cleansing, Dhauti: cleansing of the digestive tract, Nauli: abdominal massage, Basti: colon cleansing, Kapalbhati: purification and vitalization of the frontal lobes, and Trataka: focused gazing.

In this discussion, we will be focusing […]

Kapalabhati (Skull Shining) Pranayama

One of the prominent yogis from India, Yogiraj Dr. Om Prakash ji, who was on a US visit last summer, presented a series of yoga sessions at the Hindu Bhavan Cultural Hall in Morrisville, NC. He highlighted the value of pranayama (breathing practices) in general as an integral component of any yoga routine. However, he […]