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I am pleased to present an audio recording of the monthly workshop on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali held on Saturday, 04/21/18:
Brief summary of what we covered:
We continued the discussion of the eight limbs of yoga. Concluding the discussion on the five yamas and the five niyamas we continued with asana and pranayama and covered the following sutras:
- Sutras 2.44 – 2.53
- Listing the eight limbs of yoga
- Listing the five yamas and niyamas
- Discussion on the niyamas of swadhyaya (study of self) and Ishwara Pranidhana (surrender to God)
- Discussion on asana and pranayama
You can listen to the podcast as well as subscribe to it on itunes here.
Below are links to the powerpoint presentations used for these discussions:
- Yoga defined
- Ashtanga yoga (eight limbs)
- Kriya, Klesha, Karma
- Concept of Ishwara
- Dharana, dhyana, samadhi (samyama)
I would love to get your feedback.
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