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I am pleased to present an audio recording of the monthly workshop on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali held on Saturday, 12/15/18:
Brief summary of what we covered:
We continued the discussion on the three stages of meditation – dharana, dhyana and samadhi, the last three of the eight limbs of yoga. We covered the following sutras:
- Sutra 3.1 (dharana)
- Sutra 3.2 (dhyana)
- Sutra 3.3 (samadhi)
- Sutra 3.4 (samyama)
- Sutra 3.5 (cont.)
- Sutra 3.6 (cont.)
- Sutra 3.7 (internal limbs compared to the previous five)
- Sutra 3.8 (external compared to seedless samadhi)
- Sutra 3.9 (nirodha parinama)
- Sutra 3.10 (cont.)
- Sutra 3.11 (samadhi parinama)
- Sutra 3.12 (ekagrata parinama)
You can listen to the podcast as well as subscribe to it on itunes here.
Below are links to the powerpoint presentations used for these discussions:
- Yoga defined
- Ashtanga yoga (eight limbs)
- Kriya, Klesha, Karma
- Concept of Ishwara
- Dharana, dhyana, samadhi (samyama)
I would love to get your feedback.
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